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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2006
I've been a mac user for a while, and I can't help but notice that most mac users are into photography. No surprise, seeing that Apple is in the photography software business itself. I thought that some of this culture would bleed onto me when I switched to the mac, but it never has. At this time of writing, I have exactly 14 photos on my mac.

Maybe it's because my whole family is like this. My brother is a bit better than me, with about 50 photos. My mother and father bought a digital camera, did 20 test photos of our dog, and then never used it again. My grandmother is an architect, which would suggest she does a lot of photography. Not so. About 86 at last count (all of houses of course). Honesty I'm surprised I even have baby pictures. Not that I'd care if I didn't.

So here's the question: am I really alone out there? Are there other mac users like me who can't understand the appeal of photography?


macrumors 603
Jan 31, 2005
Omaha, NE, USA
Well, I imagine that not everyone (and not even a majority) are into photography as an art, but I'd imagine most people are into photography as a way of capturing memories.


macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2006
Well, I imagine that not everyone (and not even a majority) are into photography as an art, but I'd imagine most people are into photography as a way of capturing memories.

You're definitely right. My problem is that I don't understand the appeal of capturing memories in photo form. Neither does the rest of my family. I'm, pretty sure those baby pictures were taken more out of a sense of duty than anything else.

The thing is, except for my sister, no one else in my family uses a mac. And it just so happens that my sister is the one exception to the no-photo habit. I just want to know if they're are other mac users who feel the same way as me. I've actually had peer pressure from other mac users (including my sister) trying to get me into photography. It would be nice to know I'm not the only one.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2006
You're definitely right. My problem is that I don't understand the appeal of capturing memories in photo form. Neither does the rest of my family. I'm, pretty sure those baby pictures were taken more out of a sense of duty than anything else.

The thing is, except for my sister, no one else in my family uses a mac. And it just so happens that my sister is the one exception to the no-photo habit. I just want to know if they're are other mac users who feel the same way as me. I've actually had peer pressure from other mac users (including my sister) trying to get me into photography. It would be nice to know I'm not the only one.

OK... so you really think that using a type of computer will change your personality so deeply? Maybe she got a Mac because she likes photography and it's the best to organize and edit photos. Maybe it has nothing to do with it. And if you don't like photography, why do you care? It's not really that big of a deal. Sure, maybe someday you'll be all alone and old and have nothing but your memories, wishing you had taken pictures of loved people and places that have long since died. But maybe not. A lot of Mac people are artsy, so it's just inherent that they would like photography. You are not that way, so ...


macrumors 65816
May 9, 2008
It would be nice to know I'm not the only one.

You're not the only one.

My girlfriend's family is not much into taking pictures. Lucky for them I am ;) I've become the unofficial family gathering photographer. I'm no Pro, I just like to keep memories in photos.

Her mom has a MacBook now and most of her photos are from my camera.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
I don't think the overlap between Mac users and photo hounds is as large as you think. I think you're making a classic mistake regarding small sample size - you just can't draw broad conclusions based on a very small number of observations, even if it seems like the percentages you see in that particular population are overwhelmingly large (or small).

I've noticed in my own family that almost everyone has a digital camera - but now that the "ooh, shiny!" aspect has worn off, the only people that continue to take photos are basically my sister and me.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Try to open 100 5mb JPEGs at once in winodws. You will see the pain.

Btw, you need serious help if you don't like photography. Just kidding.

More likely scenario is that people in your family just haven't seen good photography.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
I've been a mac user for a while, and I can't help but notice that most mac users are into photography.

Being that macs tend to attract creative-types, it wouldn't surprise me if it demographically results in the Mac platform having a slightly higher percentage of photographer-types.

But this doesn't mean that 'most' necessarily need be.

I thought that some of this culture would bleed onto me when I switched to the mac, but it never has. At this time of writing, I have exactly 14 photos on my mac.

An interesting expectation.

So here's the question: am I really alone out there? Are there other mac users like me who can't understand the appeal of photography?

Yes, you're absolutely alone. According to the last private email I got from Steve Jobs, he is very, very disappointed in you and will be flying on his private jet to your neighborhood this weekend and taking back his computer. :eek:

Okay, just kidding!

I'm sure that there are many people who aren't interested in some topical area of what a computer can do today, although I do doubt that for the specific topic of photography that there would be all that many of them hanging out in the "Photography" special interest section on a website ;)

We're all individuals with correspondingly individual interests. For example, even though you have only a few photos in iPhoto, that's still more than the absolute zero entries than I have in Garageband. And one can suspect that this should be considered to be "odd", since I played an instrument for ~10 years. But for whatever reason, laying down my own tracks simply has no interest to me.

In general, the computer is merely an enabler for specific interests, and in general, you're only going to seek out this enabler if you have an interest in that area.

And now bringing it full circle back to you mentioned having an expectation for the photo culture bleeding onto you, this does have elements of local environment as a factor: if your family doesn't have much interest, then you don't have an interested brother who ends up trying to borrow your Mac for iPhoto for it to 'bleed' off on you.

Thus said, the tempation of all of "us" photographers is to recommend that you give it a try, but that's because we're already a self-selected group of people who already like photography. As such, feel free to give photography a try if you wish (we'll be happy to help) ... but if you don't feel like doing so, then don't ... and don't worry about it either.

There's always going to be certain activities that as individuals we don't find of particular interest to us. And that's okay, because what is nearly unheard of is someone who is actively interested in literally everything...afterall, just ask yourself when was the last time you met a stay-at-home-introverted-skydiver-fishing-soccer-dance club-hiking-writer-polevaulting-bowling-scuba-photo-poet?

So don't let what your interests ...and "disinterests"... worry you at all.

Of course, if one of your interests is giving away nice camera equipment to strangers ... PM me immediately! :D:D



macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2004
I absolutely hate substituting photo's for memories (that is a very weighted way of putting it, I know, but I am sure you can tone it down and get my meaning). But I love photography as a form of art (that is an understatement).

So I don't think not liking photography is that weird, personally. I can think of nothing worse than being with friends, or family, and having to take photo's, or be in them. Similar on holiday, but I am a bit of a hypocrite here, as I do take architecture, street and landscape type pics, to remind me of a place later.

i think it's actually a pretty interesting subject...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2005
Yes there is something wrong with you. Not because of you dont care about photography, but because you feel the need to share this with us.


macrumors 65816
Feb 4, 2006
A very important realization I made when I got into photography as a hobby was about the nature of taking pictures. If you're trying to capture memories by holding a camera in front of your face and pressing the button, you won't get much from it. Most photos are interesting because they're taken from an angle or perspective that is very unusual and uncommon for your eyes to get into. For example, photographing a frog from the frog perspective would result in a much more interesting picture than taking the picture from above, since that's how everyone sees frogs. Not the best example, but I think you get what I mean. Once you've gotten your head around this and started shooting a few pictures, you might find that photography is quite fun and interesting.


macrumors regular
Sep 3, 2006
Is this for real? Are you really concerned that, despite owning a Mac, there's something wrong with you because you're not interested in photography? I don't like fish but I feel quite at ease in a bay-side restaurant that has an extensive fish menu as long as there's one item on the menu I like, perhaps a grilled-chicken sandwich.

Do you like gaming? Do you write emails? Do you video chat? Do you surf the web? Do you use your iTunes library as a jukebox so you have music to listen to at home? Do you enjoy YouTube or any site(s) in particular? As long as there's something you enjoy doing with your computer, you're just fine. Now, if you spent a couple thousand dollars on a computer that just sits on your desk as an ornament, I would suggest you reevaluate your spending habits. But as long as you use your Mac—photography be damned—relax and enjoy it.

I'm a guy who doesn't give a damn about cars or sports, something many men would regard as a waste of good testosterone, but there are many other things I enjoy (including working out, good beer, and photography :)), so when my friends start talking about earned run averages and how "our" team played this week, or why the Mets should never have traded some guy I've never heard of for some other guy I've never heard of, it doesn't bother me.

In short: to each his own.


macrumors 68000
Sep 25, 2004
Pictures are the most priceless things for memories (well same for video, but people take more pictures than video) When a loved one passes, believe me.. you'll be kicking yourself, asking yourself why you didn't take more pictures!

So get that camera, and start clicking - it doesn't matter if it's regular, daily boring stuff. After a few years you'll look back and really treasure them. Besides, with everything being digital nowadays it's so much easier to take tons of pics with no cost of processing, etc.


macrumors 68000
Mar 30, 2005
Pictures are the most priceless things for memories (well same for video, but people take more pictures than video) When a loved one passes, believe me.. you'll be kicking yourself, asking yourself why you didn't take more pictures!

That's the truth. I've seen it with my wife. Both of her parents have died, and the photos are very important to her. You dont need thousands of pictures, but do take some.


macrumors regular
Aug 14, 2008
Vermont, USA
I'm a senior citizen and my memory isn't what it use to be, and it'll get worse as I add more to it! I've have had a good life but I'm remembering less of it! I'm so glad I bought a camera 40 years ago to capture all those little happenings that made my life so good. Viewing those pictures now on my Mac - the trips, the people, the pets - reminds me of those good times. Yes, I may be reminiscing thru rose colored glasses because I didn't take pictures of the bad times. I wouldn't want to remember them anyway!


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
You're definitely right. My problem is that I don't understand the appeal of capturing memories in photo form. Neither does the rest of my family. I'm, pretty sure those baby pictures were taken more out of a sense of duty than anything else.

I've got about 8500 photos of my son growing - he's 2.5 now. No sense of duty - I love it. Its great going back from time to time to see how he's changed.

But it's not everyones cup of tea and that fine..

Be free to enjoy what you are - don't worry about what you're not.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2001
NJ Highlands, Earth
I'm a senior citizen and my memory isn't what it use to be, and it'll get worse as I add more to it! I've have had a good life but I'm remembering less of it! I'm so glad I bought a camera 40 years ago to capture all those little happenings that made my life so good. Viewing those pictures now on my Mac - the trips, the people, the pets - reminds me of those good times. Yes, I may be reminiscing thru rose colored glasses because I didn't take pictures of the bad times. I wouldn't want to remember them anyway!

A good point: photos can be a trigger for the memories, and can often go in unexpected directions.

For example, there's a photo of my wife from when she was around 4 years old, hiding in the kitchen cabinets. While there's a story about this event, in viewing the picture, you might recall that specific story, or alternatively, another experience at that location (eg, remember when we finally renovated that kitchen, that so-and-so happened?).

Memories don't have to be linear and tied merely to the original intent of a photograph or other 'reminder' tool.



macrumors newbie
Mar 30, 2008
North Oregon Coast
If you've only got 14 pictures stored that's fine if they're ones that mean something to you. Perhaps in a few more years you'll have 28.

The problem as I see it is that people with hundreds or thousands stored is that they don't know how to edit! I remember the days when you would be invited over to a friends house to see a slide show of their latest vacation. Picture upon picture of nearly the same thing, usually their kids. I get it! Have you ever heard the word brevity?


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
If you've only got 14 pictures stored that's fine if they're ones that mean something to you. Perhaps in a few more years you'll have 28.

The problem as I see it is that people with hundreds or thousands stored is that they don't know how to edit! I remember the days when you would be invited over to a friends house to see a slide show of their latest vacation. Picture upon picture of nearly the same thing, usually their kids. I get it! Have you ever heard the word brevity?

Damn right - although I have thousands of my son - that is for the wife and I and his grandparents who live on another continent. Not to be inflicted on every other poor bas***d.

Although I do remember a friend of mine who went skiing and came back with 7 rolls of film (about 200 photos) of snow - but she had used a cheap point and shot. She kept saying - "and here is another one of some erm snow". I was amazed the shop had processed them as they were so overly exposed. I would have preferred photos of her son at that point.


macrumors 65816
Oct 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Maybe taking photos is not your thing, but I would find it very hard to believe that you have not looked at a some photo and it evoked some emotion. That is the power of photography.


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
For a long time when I used point & shoot cameras, I took pictures for fun at family gatherings & events and would give everyone CDs with the pictures.

When I got a Nikon D40x DSLR last year, that all changed. I started thinking about technique and composition. I found that I like experimenting with different focal lengths, aperture & shutter settings for different effects. I went on a photowalk yesterday with about 50 people, many of them professionals. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun taking pictures.

I'm now planning to upgrade to a Nikon D90, since I find that I'm running into some of the D40x's limitations, most notably the lack of internal auto focus, since some of the lenses I like will only focus manually.
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