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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 9, 2009
I had just dropped my phone in the toilet at work and my boss told me to charge it to dry it out. The phone was already out of battery when it fell in. I decided charging it was a bad idea until i read further. I now have it drying vertically on a towel. Will the fact that i charged it lessen the chances of it making a comback? If anyone has any advice on some things i can do to bring it back to life that would be great!
I had just dropped my phone in the toilet at work and my boss told me to charge it to dry it out. The phone was already out of battery when it fell in. I decided charging it was a bad idea until i read further. I now have it drying vertically on a towel. Will the fact that i charged it lessen the chances of it making a comback? If anyone has any advice on some things i can do to bring it back to life that would be great!

Does your boss not like you? :)

Put it a bowl of rice and let sit for a few days.
I don't think he knew what he was talking about, and at the time i was so panicked that i just did it. I went online right after and realized that was probably a bad idea. Should i just put it in a ziplock with rice? Should i wrap it in anything?
I don't think he knew what he was talking about, and at the time i was so panicked that i just did it. I went online right after and realized that was probably a bad idea. Should i just put it in a ziplock with rice? Should i wrap it in anything?

No, just a bowl of "uncooked" :) rice. No need to use a ziplock. Just let it sit for a few days though and the rice will absorb the water. It may or may not work. It may already be messed up after charge though, but you never know.
prayers!!amazing answer.

Why is it bad to charge it after? I mean i have some ideas... but can anyone specifically tell me, because i'm obviously freaking out about this a little bit!
prayers!!amazing answer.

Why is it bad to charge it after? I mean i have some ideas... but can anyone specifically tell me, because i'm obviously freaking out about this a little bit!

Because you got that current stuff going into the iPhone and that ain't ever good around water. :)

Just relax though, because you may be okay. Just don't try to turn it on again. THAT's the worst thing you can so after water immersion.
::confused:the phone WAS off and out of battery when this happen so maybe thats a good thing. I also am going to put it in rice tonight when i get home and send lots of positive energy towards my poor phone in hope that it will work again one day. Is there anything else i can do to improve the odds?
::confused:the phone WAS off and out of battery when this happen so maybe thats a good thing. I also am going to put it in rice tonight when i get home and send lots of positive energy towards my poor phone in hope that it will work again one day. Is there anything else i can do to improve the odds?

Not really. You could open the phone up, but I don't recommend it, since you could really mess up your iPhone then. Also....okay I was going to say it would void your warranty, but that is already voided since it has water damage. Anyway, I don't recommend trying to open, since it is pretty hard to do and you could crack things/mess up electrical wires if you open it wrong. There've been a lot of people who used the rice trick and it worked fine afterwards and they didn't open the iPhone.
Ouch, and yes your boss is an idiot, worse thing you can do after dropping electronics in water... panic and turn them on to see if they still work! BAD IDEA. Let it dry out for a couple of days at least, rice idea not a bad one, but can't hurt to try. I'd unwrap it from a towel and just put it standing up say on a towel with a fan blowing on it etc... get air moving around it to dry it out over a couple days.

Then charge it and cross your fingers it turns on.

Good Luck!
get a new job, cause your boss is a complete idiot.

don't use a hairdryer to try and dry it, it'll just make things worse.

Use the method of either using dried rice or silica packets in a ziploc bag. Both of those will help by siphoning the water out of your iPhone and at least gives your iPhone a fighting chance to work.

Best of luck,

i just did the same thing man i am pissed at myself. ok i tried turning it off to put in rice and when i slide bar to turn off it goes off does a spinning thing then reboots i've tried it a few times.

can you put it in the rice when its on?
i just did the same thing man i am pissed at myself. ok i tried turning it off to put in rice and when i slide bar to turn off it goes off does a spinning thing then reboots i've tried it a few times.

can you put it in the rice when its on?

It would be better if it was off, but if you can't turn it off, then you can't turn it off. It's not good to keep recycling it like you were doing, so just leave it on in the rice. Eventually the battery will go dead anyway.
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