When the iPad first came out, I quickly wrote it off. I didn't like how it had the iPhone OS. I didn't like not having usb ports etc. I didn't like not having an SD card reader. I didn't like it not having a cam for chat. I thought all the apps were just blown up versions of what I have on my iPhone.
I went by the Apple store and Best Buy when the iPad launched. I turned down a wifi version when the manager said they had two left. I played a couple of the games on the demos and thought " ahh not worth it for 599 when I have an iPhone. "
For the first time a few days ago I was actually able to spend a decent amount of time with a demo unit and the apps are so superior to the iPhones. Yes, it's the same OS, but I got to see how much different everything works in it. Apple REALLY took the time to customize a lot of...well everything, for the iPad. Then I find out with the camera kit you have a SD card reader AND that one of hte default aps, pages, allows me to import Office Word files that I can edit and email out. This makes it a netbook replacement for me.
With this said, I signed up for the notify me list a couple days ago for....the wifi version...the one I could have had almost two months ago. Now I am waiting for what could be forever in geek time.
Seems in the meantime Apple added a guide to their website further explaining all the iPad features. Either I missed this before or they just added it, but if I had seen it two months ago, I would have bought the iPad day one. http://www.apple.com/ipad/guided-tours/
Anyone that says the iPad is a big iPod Touch needs to see Apple's guide again linked here: http://www.apple.com/ipad/guided-tours/ I really think that Apple should have advertised some of these features more before the launches. Not that they are hurting in sales or anything.
I went by the Apple store and Best Buy when the iPad launched. I turned down a wifi version when the manager said they had two left. I played a couple of the games on the demos and thought " ahh not worth it for 599 when I have an iPhone. "
For the first time a few days ago I was actually able to spend a decent amount of time with a demo unit and the apps are so superior to the iPhones. Yes, it's the same OS, but I got to see how much different everything works in it. Apple REALLY took the time to customize a lot of...well everything, for the iPad. Then I find out with the camera kit you have a SD card reader AND that one of hte default aps, pages, allows me to import Office Word files that I can edit and email out. This makes it a netbook replacement for me.
With this said, I signed up for the notify me list a couple days ago for....the wifi version...the one I could have had almost two months ago. Now I am waiting for what could be forever in geek time.
Seems in the meantime Apple added a guide to their website further explaining all the iPad features. Either I missed this before or they just added it, but if I had seen it two months ago, I would have bought the iPad day one. http://www.apple.com/ipad/guided-tours/
Anyone that says the iPad is a big iPod Touch needs to see Apple's guide again linked here: http://www.apple.com/ipad/guided-tours/ I really think that Apple should have advertised some of these features more before the launches. Not that they are hurting in sales or anything.