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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 23, 2009
I finally beat Crayon Physics Deluxe and now I don't know what to do. It took up all my free time and now I am having a hard time finding another app that is comparable to it. Do you guys know of anything that is similar to CPD? I like puzzle games such as that, but nothing like chuzzle, because it gets old quickly. Thanks in advance!
No suggestions but I finished tri-peaks (less than 12 levels) and there's nothing to expand on it.
Maybe I'll check out CPD ... nutty.
Okay I know this thread is almost a month old, I forgot I posted it, and I am still searching for a new game LOL!!!!! Thanks for the suggestions! If you have anymore, please feel free to tell me!
i have also bought angry birds because of this thread, its so fun.

Angry Birds has made me, well.. angry! LOL! I downloaded Doodle Jump and I really like it, but I think that I like Sheep Launcher better. If you guys know anymore, please feel free to continue to share. I get bored easily!!!:p
Plants vs Zombies and Peggle. I just started the latter and beat Peggle. Highly recommended.
Okay I will have to download that one, I downloaded Angry Birds, and I am sooo frustrated with it! Only on level 12 too..

Are you getting three stars for each level ?
Because pass the level is generally easy but get the three stars is much more difficult.

I've three stars on all levels 1-3 and much of 4-5. Still playing to get three levels on the rest.
Peggle is the game I am looking forward to a port on iPad most. Definitely put the second most time into that app (after Kindle).
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