I purchased the pro version of enabler..and I was wondering if i need to open up the app in order to activate trim or do i just leave "on" switch and quit app.
Could someone answer this question? thank you.
Keep the app somewhere tho - typically os updates reverts it back again andyou will need to rerunit.
I have the Crucial M4-CT512M4SSD2 on my 4.1, should I use the enabler? I read somewhere it is not recommended on this drive. Anybody have tested this?
I'd like to see where they said that having no trim is a good idea on an M4. M4's had some issues with very early firmware but have been fine ever since.
I have it on my MacPro for two SSD's, can you run it on SSD externals?
Trim will only work on ssds that are connected to the sata port on your logicboard
The discussions are back and forth. Here is a recent one: http://www.groths.org/forums/topic/te-pro-always-crashes/
I just noticed I'm running 040H. Is it worth updating the firmware?