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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 8, 2007
lol. Just makes conversation so much easier when you just tell people what they already have stuck in their minds. I got tired of trying to explain the possibilities given the amount of screen real estate etc . It's a large iPod touch .
I usually just say "what does your computer do that iPad doesn't" or "is a swimming pool just a big bathtub? They have different uses". Still this big iPod argument is getting old.
Thats what she said.

Sorry I had to.

To the OP I agree I gave up as well.

lol, seriously sometimes I'll just nip the conversation as soon as I hear, "So how is it?". I auto reply, "it's like a big iPod touch" ... next subject please thanks.
I actually always say that to people because I do feel its really the case and I don't see a problem with it. Its like a 55" HDTV is a bigger 32" SDTV...they both do the same basic thing but the 55" does it much nicer/better. I feel the same way about the iPad...its like a Touch but bigger and better, but overall you do about the same stuff on both.
Trying to explain to people the full potential of the iPad is overload.
Some of them can't evn grasp the idea that a device like the iphone exist let alone see the iPad for what it is worth.

They freak out when I am running a remote session on my iPad.

" I thought it was a giant iPod but your running windows? Is it a netbook? where is the keyboard"

Technology moves 2 fast for some..
Honestly, I don't think most people who ask that question really even care what your answer is, just as long as it makes sense. Don't geek out and tell them all the possibilities, just say that it's um, well, a big iPod or maybe, a more portable laptop replacement? :rolleyes:
Honestly, I don't think most people who ask that question really even care what your answer is, just as long as it makes sense. Don't geek out and tell them all the possibilities, just say that it's um, well, a big iPod or maybe, a more portable laptop replacement? :rolleyes:

Or, a mansion is a bigger version of a dog house, not to say that the iPod is a dog house.
Ya I pretty much say it is an iPhone without the phone. It isn't too far from the truth anyway. Everyone who has been interested in mine has been pretty positive about it.
Ya I pretty much say it is an iPhone without the phone. It isn't too far from the truth anyway. Everyone who has been interested in mine has been pretty positive about it.

An iPhone with the phone is more like the iPod Touch.
And when people ask "why would you buy an big ipod touch" you could just say "well do you want a small tv or a big tv?" that's what i told my friend. ;)
Or, a mansion is a bigger version of a dog house, not to say that the iPod is a dog house.

Uh you really feel the difference between the iPad and a Touch is that huge?
It would be more like a 5000 sq ft mansion with a pool vs a 2000 sq ft regular house.
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