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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 6, 2009
Hi there, not sure if this is the right forum but I searched the site for hacks and didn't find anything. So I hope some one can help or redirect me.

last night at around 10ish, I went on my computer and a browser window i had left open was now saying: "Turkish Hacker by Firtina bozo was here!"
I'm assuming I've been hacked.
I looked more into mac security and discovered I could enable Stealth Mode ( a bit too late i know ) but I did it anyway. Question now is... How do I know he is no longer connected? is it possible to see what files the hacker (cracker) was interested in if any? I was trying to look at the system log but don't really understand how to read it. All I know is I was away from the computer from around 4pm until around 10pm. but I see a lot of log activity between those times...
I don't know
It could be very likely that you weren't actually hacked.

Step one though, turn on firewall and disconnect from the internet. Use a different computer to post here

Please post your computer details (OS and stuff)

I know some free mac antivirus
Most likely just a pop up.

Try google

"Turkish Hacker by Firtina bozo was here" you get quite a few hits.
Upon more research, I am assuming that is merely a hack to websites.

Turkish hacker hacks websites to merely put on content about him self and how he loves turkey

Random question, but does he love the food or the country? I'm guessing the country...
Man, do hackers have weird names. Who names themselves Firtina Bozo, Theaser would be a cool name :D? I think that its just to make you think its Turkish. I bet you will find it in another country after you traced the IP.
It is highly unlikely that you were hacked, especially if you are using a Mac. I suspect as many others that your browser was pointed to a bogus webpage or popup. This happens all the time and I wouldn't be very alarmed if I were you.
It is highly unlikely that you were hacked, especially if you are using a Mac. I suspect as many others that your browser was pointed to a bogus webpage or popup. This happens all the time and I wouldn't be very alarmed if I were you.

Defcon proved OSX was less secure than Vista, I think it was last year.
Grr, were you saying its unlikley that Snow Lepoard will be more secure or that Vista is more secure than OSX?
Defcon proved OSX was less secure than Vista, I think it was last year.

Weren't they actually comparing Leopard + third party software with a base vista install? Or was it the default Leopard install vs. a hardened Vista install?

There are way too many ******** comparisons out there :(
I know I've seen the above two, but one would assume it'd be a more competent comparison at Defcon.

Or, are you perhaps thinking of the test where the successful hackers would get to keep the hardware?
I.e., a brand new MBP vs. a Dell or HP vista machine, at a time when Vista was behaving notoriously bad? (in other words, biased results here too)
Wow. I've never looked at my Stealth log before. When I did today (thanks to this post) I see lots of connection attempts. Here's a sample:

Feb 8 12:35:52 Macintosh Firewall[54]: krb5kdc is listening from :::88 uid = 0 proto=6
Feb 8 12:35:52 Macintosh Firewall[54]: krb5kdc is listening from uid = 0 proto=6
Feb 8 12:35:55 Macintosh Firewall[54]: krb5kdc is listening from :::88 uid = 0 proto=6
Feb 8 12:35:55 Macintosh Firewall[54]: krb5kdc is listening from uid = 0 proto=6
Feb 8 12:36:03 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:36:04 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:36:34: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Feb 8 12:36:38 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:36:39 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to TCP from
Feb 8 12:37:00: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Feb 8 12:37:00 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:37:15 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:37:18 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:37:26 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:37:49 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:38:19: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Feb 8 12:39:46 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:39:48 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:40:20 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
Feb 8 12:40:40 Macintosh Firewall[54]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to UDP from
... etc....

What is "krb5kdc is listening"? Is any of this anything to be concerned about? I have some firewall protection up, but maybe not enough. I join the original poster in asking: what kind of set-up should I set up to be safe enough? (I'm not anal. And for the most part I don't have sensitive material on my computer. Still, I'd rather not have my computer attacked for nefarious purposes.)

Wow. I've never looked at my Stealth log before. When I did today (thanks to this post) I see lots of connection attempts. Here's a sample:

krb5kdc sounds like it's related to kerberos authentication. is a private network -- i.e., not on the Internet (in other words, those connection attempts are from your own network).
Em...maybe the website was hacked and nothing actually happened to you? Does the website appear correctly on other computers? Or do you get this on more websites?

I'm sorta confused :S
First off - that's hilarious.

Second - What kind of internet connection are you on? If it's wireless, do you have password security on the network?

i am on a wireless network and there is a password security.
The browser window that was open was actually my web site.
I guess I should contact my host...?
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