I agree about the shutting down at night, I'm not a n00b to OS X. I hacked Leopard before to run on my TOSHIBA. But Shortly got rid and went MAC
keyboard shortcuts are good, I know most of them. To be honest, Since I got my iMac, I tend to be on YouTube a lot more and doing fun stuff. When your on Windows, your constantly worrying about Anti Virus, Performance, etc. But on a Mac, you'll notice that you dont have to worry about a virus, or performance or anything even related to that.
I have a few questions
- When I'm playing Call of duty 4 on Boot camp (Windows XP) After a few hours of play (3/4 hours) the iMac will get hotter and the Video card will 'Lag' alot when playing. I tried to leave it 30 minutes just too see if it would make a difference, and it didn't until I started playing about 5 minutes in again. Why is this? I got an nVidia GeForce 8800 GS.
- I didn't eject the Time machine drive in windows and just pulled it right out. Then once I booted back into Mac OS X and ran Time Machine with Video recording software, I got a crash (2 days from first boot), I think this was the video recorder, as I tried with it again and it messed up my mighty mouse too, so I removed it since and it's all good.
- HELP! I can't get away from the 'Default' desktop, I swear this thing is too perfect. I changed my desktop picture and dock, and within 2 minutes I couldn't stand it any longer and made it how it looked when i got it again xD I can't customize this desktop, its too perfect! I swear I've got OCD on my PC's/Macs. LOL Any suggestions for OCD for Computer? LOL