Do you ever have one of those dreams where you wake up and you're like "AHH"? The conducter of my chamber orchestra had one the other day. He said there was a nuclear explosion, and when he woke up he was like "AHH". Well, I had one last night.
The Intel Mac Pro's were released and they had a Radeon 9600 Pro Video card!!!!!! AGHGHH!HH!!!!!! It freaked the hell out of me. The minute I woke up I was like "AHH", and I ran downstairs to the computer, just to make sure it wasn't gonna be true.
*whew* that was close.
The Intel Mac Pro's were released and they had a Radeon 9600 Pro Video card!!!!!! AGHGHH!HH!!!!!! It freaked the hell out of me. The minute I woke up I was like "AHH", and I ran downstairs to the computer, just to make sure it wasn't gonna be true.
*whew* that was close.