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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 19, 2018
I had to switch to an older monitor because my monitor is in repair. When starting up now it shows flashing alternatively the Apple logo and a ⊘ sign. Could the old video settings in System prefs be the cause? Is there a way I can force the Mac to recognise the monitor? I'm on an CMP 3.1 with Capitan.
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You mean cmd-R? I did that with no result: same logo/⊘
cmd-V is chinese to me...
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But your assesment is that it isn't the monitor? I only can make a photo since the mac is unresponsive. I suppose that is what you meant.
Do you have a smartphone/camera that you can take a picture with?

EDIT: Read that wrong. Yes, please take a photo of the text that appears when booting with cmd-v where it stops booting.
Seems like the bootloader cannot find the macOS kernel. Either your hard drive is corrupt/failing or your boot drive is not blessed properly. This is not something that can be caused by a monitor switch.

Hopefully you have a recent backup through Time Machine you can restore with. Since you cannot boot into recovery mode I would get a macOS installer USB then boot with that to start a Time Machine Restore.

EDIT: Might want to try a NVRAM reset and a SMC reset before doing a restore, it may fix the issue (I don't think it will).
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It's what I supected somehow. I'll post back when I get this resolved. Thks 4 the help ! :cool:
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I took the startup disc tray out and reseated it: hey presto, problem solved. It's like old school mechanics: if your car won't start, check the fuel first. Her it was old school electricity. :cool:
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