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macrumors 604
Original poster
Mar 17, 2004
Melenkurion Skyweir
I want to jailbreak/unlock my iPhone 2G so I can get more $ for it.

Everything I'm hearing here is that yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/whatever is coming out tomorrow. But I read that it's for iPhone 3G/3G S, that it doesn't apply to 2G?

So I'm lost. Can I unlock my 2G with OS 3.0 now? If I can, then how?
I want to jailbreak/unlock my iPhone 2G so I can get more $ for it.

Everything I'm hearing here is that yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/whatever is coming out tomorrow. But I read that it's for iPhone 3G/3G S, that it doesn't apply to 2G?

So I'm lost. Can I unlock my 2G with OS 3.0 now? If I can, then how?

You don't. :)

Check frequently so that when they finally update the tools, you'll know.
Wait for the new tools to come out, and Jailbreak and unlock with PwnageTool/QuickPwn as you would normally.

If you're unlocking the phone, I guess you'll be hacktivating it, so there's a change the YouTube app may not work for you. The Dev Team are working on a fix, and they said if they cannot find one soon they'll release the tools without the fix, but then release an update later on when they've found the fix.
Right -- Pwnage or QuickPwn are still the tools you want. Not Ultrasn0w. They're still supposed to be out todayish, in advance of Ultrasn0w, per the Dev Team blog.

Otherwise, you can be unlocked (only) right now by unlocking 2.x with the existing Pwnage Tool (don't use QuickPwn) and then updating to 3.0 using iTunes.
I've never jailbroken or unlocked my phone before, so I'm clueless. So the only thing i need is the upcoming PwnageTool, that's it?

Don't really care about bugs - I'm just jailbreaking/unlocking it, removing the SIM card and selling it. The rest is the buyer's problem.
I've never jailbroken or unlocked my phone before, so I'm clueless. So the only thing i need is the upcoming PwnageTool, that's it?

Don't really care about bugs - I'm just jailbreaking/unlocking it, removing the SIM card and selling it. The rest is the buyer's problem.

That's it.
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