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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 23, 2005
I have this new, unopened intel imac 20". I'm trying to decide if I should just use it or if I should sell it and wait for Apple to get the bugs worked out of intel (in other words, wait for rev b.?) Are the Intel iMacs stable enough already?

This is my situation: I am essentially stuck with Adobe Creative Suite 2. I have resigned myself to running under Rosetta until CS3. I am headed off to college around August and need a good machine. I plan on taking a lot of media-oriented classes but I'm also seriously considering a comp.sci major. Would it be better to have an intel iMac or a Macbook Pro?

Gahhh, this Adobe (photoshop) UB business is messing all my plans up. :mad:

I fully realize I've probably reached my quota of posts like this, but my situation keeps changing radically day by day and I'm really quite bewildered by my new choices. I really appreciate the insight and offer that this will *probably* be the last of these. :)
Laptop is always better for school...but all these "bugs in rev. a" are BS. Has there been any issue (on a large scale) with these iMacs? No. And even if there is any problems. That's what the warranty and apple care are for.
You've already answered your own question...

If you have the will power and no reason to open it now... Might as well wait till you really need to buy it...
I have a Core Duo iMac and I love it. I also have Photoshop CS and I find it perfectly fine. Seems no slower then my old Mac Mini, and in many cases faster. The one thing that you WILL have to buy is more RAM. I would go with at least 1.5GB. has it for cheap, and it will work great. One thing that I don't understand is that people used photoshop 5 years ago on G3s, and < 1GHz G4s and it was not a problem, why would it be now?

What computer do you have to use if you don't open the iMac? To help decide if you want a Macbook Pro, or an iMac....

Would you rather have a smaller desktop 1440x900 vs 1680x1050? What about an 80GB 5400RPM drive vs. 250GB 7200RPM? Those two reasons is why I picked the iMac.
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