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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 19, 2016

I hit my phone pretty hard on a hard desk surface while i was holding it, it just slipped my hand and i tried catching it but made it go faster by hitting it while it was on air with my hands. yeah, that happened. It was also charging thru usb/power cable.

Now, I checked the surface of the phone where it hit, there seems to be no scratches or bruises. This is pretty strange. And phone is working well.

Is there a possibility that it'd cause a problem later?
What would be the concicoenses of hitting a phone by near its speaker area to a hard surface?

I am a little paranoid.

Thank you.


macrumors member
Jan 14, 2015
I dropped my phone twice in less than 5 minutes the other day, it hit to the ground and the tempered glass protector was cracked after second drop. Then I removed the cracked screen guard, display and touchscreen went on like nothing happened for about a week, well, the touchscreen is not that responsive now, I'm considering to upgrade to a new phone since I've been used it for almost 2 years.
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