I recently jailbroke my iphone through quickpwn but I came to find that Cydia and Installer have a limited amount of apps. How do I add more apps? Specially the most popular ones.
It's Jailbroke* but either way.
No one really uses installer anymore, but, you have to add more sources. Just look up installer sources online, or look around in the macrumors forum.
I recently jailbroke my iphone through quickpwn but I came to find that Cydia and Installer have a limited amount of apps. How do I add more apps? Specially the most popular ones.
The reason I said that was because all of the most popular jailbreak apps are included in the community sources, so if they have cydia installed, then they should have access to them.
The only other thing I could think the OP meant was popular cracked apps, which is why I just warned them about it anyway.....