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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 10, 2008
Hello guys, I'm a new proud owner of an iPhone and I was planning on jailbreaking it but I have a few questions first. Which program would I use if I have a 3g and my computer. Also when I jailbreak which apps and other stuff do you guys reccomend, like what themes and stuff.
pdanet is the most common tether app

as far as themes, just try them out or search online for the cool ones and then download them. hard to know what you like as each theme has people that like it
Start off by reading the stickies at the top of the iPhone Hacks forum. Almost all of the information you are looking for will be there. There's a lot of good info there.

Also, check out I used their jailbreaking guide to JB my iPhone.

You aren't going to get any love in these forums if you don't try searching first.
My iPod Touch is not currently jailbroken, but I have done it before. I would suggest using QuickPWN if you want to do it the easiest way. Only use PwnageTool if you want to customize what applications (installer, cydia) are put on your iPhone.
Sorry about that, I just joined and Im not so sure how to use the search thing, but I looked in the sticky at the top and pwnage, is that right? Also how would I go about downloading themes?
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