... go back to my old 24" C2D (2006 model) until the crap subsides. Will they charge me a re-stocking fee, considering the yellowish tint in the monitor and the gurgling HD?
When did you purchase it? I was told at the Apple Store that I can keep exchanging the iMacs until I'm completely satisfied (on my third right now; fourth and last as of tomorrow). They told me that each return is the same as a new purchase, so I have 14-days on each new computer that they give me. According to the Apple Store reps, as long as we're within the 14-day return period we can return it for a full refund and not pay a restocking fee. I'm 99% sure that my fourth will still look like a cat urinated on the screen, so I'll probably end up returning it for a full refund and just wait until Apple resolves this issue.
... but I read somewhere that any Macs bought between Nov 1st - Dec 24th can be returned up til Jan 9th.
I bought it on Nov 7th, but I read somewhere that any Macs bought between Nov 1st - Dec 24th can be returned up til Jan 9th, instead of the usual 14-day return period. Right now I wouldn't want to get another one - I want to wait until the issues have been resolved, and then get a new unit.
This might be subject to change.
There have been reports that Apple has refused to acccept too many defective screen returns. At some point, they will deny you a new computer and direct you to an Applecare store.
buyer beware.
IMO, I'd wait until the multiple screen issues are resolved. Get a refund and see if Apple addresses the issue.
That was a blogger being an arse.
you say tomatto, I say tomato..
That's one way to look at it, especially if you're Apple. Another would be to see him as muckracker and doing the public a great service by putting pressure on Apple to fix the issue.
It would be MUCH better to charge ~$50 more for a product that can be manufactured to a higher spec. I surely wouldnt mind it if thats what it would cost Apple to procure it on the supply side. This is no doubt a matter of economics on Apples part. They struck a deal with the panel monkeys and and this is what they got in return.
Remember, in the end its ALWAYS the bottom line.
I fully agree that there are an abnormal number of panels that have an issue, but the best way of a resolution is to be level headed and sensible, and treat people as you would like to be treated.