I just got a crazy deal on a new IBM R50e (440 euros new, with integrated graphics and black color) and I´m much happier with this laptop than my iMacs. I´m later going to buy a better workstation, but this laptop is excellent for word processing, Internet etc.
I´m simply amazed how good engineering IBM has done and it runs both cool (it isn´t even warm) and quiet but my iMacs are hot and noisy (heat and whine.)
I really don´t care about OSX anymore since it always comes with junk hardware these days. Apple used to make good hardware, but know they even don´t know how to apply thermal paste on laptops, which is a very basic hardware manufacturing and assembly knowledge, and one of the weakest links in the chain.
Apple seems to be in the business to make as much money as possible, I read in these forums, but I like manufacturers who like to please their customers with excellent and cool hardware and making good returns while they are at it.
I´m simply amazed how good engineering IBM has done and it runs both cool (it isn´t even warm) and quiet but my iMacs are hot and noisy (heat and whine.)
I really don´t care about OSX anymore since it always comes with junk hardware these days. Apple used to make good hardware, but know they even don´t know how to apply thermal paste on laptops, which is a very basic hardware manufacturing and assembly knowledge, and one of the weakest links in the chain.
Apple seems to be in the business to make as much money as possible, I read in these forums, but I like manufacturers who like to please their customers with excellent and cool hardware and making good returns while they are at it.