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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 26, 2012
this will be the third time ive tried it. first time got a months trial, played a bit of Neo Cab which was okay, downloaded a ton of other games that all looked nice but felt soulless.

then at some other stage got a months trial, tried a few things, nothing grabbed me. i mean i like to play games whether they are PS4 AAA games, or Golf Battle or New Star Soccer.

Decided to try Apple Tv+ and so far im keeping it, not a lot on it but some of its great. So with me €5 for that and €1 for extra storage space, and itunes match is €30 a year so €12 in Portugal for Apple One is financially not a bad idea.

Had it for 3 months, never use Apple Music as ive tons of my own, and Apple Arcade, i want to but...

i find i only play backgammon, and i can find another backgammon game for less than €5 a month. i loved everybody golf on PSP, but handclap golf seems skillless, and just seems like Apple Arcade games have to be soulless and skilless but pretty.

is it just me?
It's hit and miss.

There really aren't many new games that peak my interests. I guess it could be that I'm growing older and focusing on other aspects of my daily life. The most recent modern title that I can say I have played the most would be the HITMAN trilogy (2016 to present). I purchased the first installment on Steam which has since been ported to macOS. It was ported to Mac using Metal, so that's a good start, but on my 16" Intel MBP it caused my system to go into full leaf blower mode so I deleted the game. A game like this is probably more inline with the power and cooling capacity of the Mac Pro, or M1 Pro or better if optimized for M1-based Macs.

So, I bought an Xbox to play HITMAN. I own all three installments. I'm thinking now that Macs have Apple Silicon at their core with 3080-like graphics performance on the higher-end models, that maybe game developers with take a second look at the platform and port more games.
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I've done 1 month out of 3 for my trial period of both AA and ATV+. My plan is to cancel both when they're up. However, I'm willing to extend either or both if I need more time to wrap things up (it's only $5 a month for each, so no biggie). I'm the opposite of you... I can see myself extending AA over ATV+. I'm more likely to be able to get through most of what I'd need to on ATV+ than AA (and even if not, I am eager to get back to Disney+, Hulu, or try out Netflix. I can always come back to ATV+ at a later time).

What's been posted in this thread and the general internet seem to agree with you. For me, I can see why it's only $5 a month... it ain't too shabby, but for some, there are better options. Through other subscription services, or a la carte, those open up new platforms and choice of games.

A big one is if you have kids, it's a nice option for them. As you may already be aware, 5 things of AA include but not limited to:
1) No ads
2) No IAP
AFAIK, for games that were on (regular) iOS or other platforms (e.g. Android, console, Steam), they don't have to include IAP content, but some do anyways (e.g. Monument Valley 2+ includes the expansion that would've required IAP)
3) No games rated more mature than Apple-9+
In Castlevania:Grimoire Of Souls, there's a mummy skin/cosmetic for a female character. I thought she'd be covered head-to-toe like a traditional mummy, but she's actually a bit scantily clad. May be a bit taboo for a 9yo, but definitely does NOT warrant a mature rating.
4) Must support touch interface and work on MacOS
Some support physical controllers, and also play on Apple TV (the hardware), but for the latter, I hear that's slim pickings.
5) Must be playable offline
Ofc., stuff that requires you to be online (comparing leaderboard stats, online content, etc.) are an exception to this rule

Some have touted it as an end to grinding and many of the awful parts of "free-to-play" gaming that mobile has turned into, but it's not all that. They can easily still make you grind without IAP and ads. Case in point is Galaga Wars+ requires in-game coins to upgrade your ships. On top of the costs doubling from one level to another, they still make you wait out a time meter after each upgrade! Or, pay with coins to bypass those 4 minutes. Buying new ships requires something called "purple credits", but these are only available, one per stage, and refresh every 5 hours. Na-ope!


Amongst titles I do like include but not limitied to...
Lumen - Puzzler with beams of light and reflecting mirrors at orthogonal angles. I've put this on hold (and may not get back to it anytime soon, if at all) since I want to focus on other titles for the time being
Spire Blast - Puzzler where you shoot colored blocks at towers to bring it down. 360 degree view! Also put this on hold for same reasons above
Monument Valley 2+ - Really enjoyed the first one. Ditto with this one.

CV: Grimoire of Souls - This game is kinda grindy, but am prepared to put this down if it gets bad.
At least it's been tolerable thus far, as I've picked up since I picked up some tricks and workarounds. I do like the game play. A lot of story for a mobile/tablet game, and Castlevania game

Rayman Mini - I like autorunners with levels that end. This one reminded me of Rayman Jungle Run and Rayman Fiesta Run (both no longer available :( ), and Rayman Adventures (I have this on Android, but moving on to random levels and lack of structure yanked my interest).

Cat Quest II - Recommended by a friend. ARPG that's simple enough to play, not a lot of leveling up required, and full of cat/dog/animal puns!
I've done 1 month out of 3 for my trial period of both AA and ATV+. My plan is to cancel both when they're up. However, I'm willing to extend either or both if I need more time to wrap things up (it's only $5 a month for each, so no biggie). I'm the opposite of you... I can see myself extending AA over ATV+. I'm more likely to be able to get through most of what I'd need to on ATV+ than AA (and even if not, I am eager to get back to Disney+, Hulu, or try out Netflix. I can always come back to ATV+ at a later time).

What's been posted in this thread and the general internet seem to agree with you. For me, I can see why it's only $5 a month... it ain't too shabby, but for some, there are better options. Through other subscription services, or a la carte, those open up new platforms and choice of games.

A big one is if you have kids, it's a nice option for them. As you may already be aware, 5 things of AA include but not limited to:
1) No ads
2) No IAP
AFAIK, for games that were on (regular) iOS or other platforms (e.g. Android, console, Steam), they don't have to include IAP content, but some do anyways (e.g. Monument Valley 2+ includes the expansion that would've required IAP)
3) No games rated more mature than Apple-9+
In Castlevania:Grimoire Of Souls, there's a mummy skin/cosmetic for a female character. I thought she'd be covered head-to-toe like a traditional mummy, but she's actually a bit scantily clad. May be a bit taboo for a 9yo, but definitely does NOT warrant a mature rating.
4) Must support touch interface and work on MacOS
Some support physical controllers, and also play on Apple TV (the hardware), but for the latter, I hear that's slim pickings.
5) Must be playable offline
Ofc., stuff that requires you to be online (comparing leaderboard stats, online content, etc.) are an exception to this rule

Some have touted it as an end to grinding and many of the awful parts of "free-to-play" gaming that mobile has turned into, but it's not all that. They can easily still make you grind without IAP and ads. Case in point is Galaga Wars+ requires in-game coins to upgrade your ships. On top of the costs doubling from one level to another, they still make you wait out a time meter after each upgrade! Or, pay with coins to bypass those 4 minutes. Buying new ships requires something called "purple credits", but these are only available, one per stage, and refresh every 5 hours. Na-ope!


Amongst titles I do like include but not limitied to...
Lumen - Puzzler with beams of light and reflecting mirrors at orthogonal angles. I've put this on hold (and may not get back to it anytime soon, if at all) since I want to focus on other titles for the time being
Spire Blast - Puzzler where you shoot colored blocks at towers to bring it down. 360 degree view! Also put this on hold for same reasons above
Monument Valley 2+ - Really enjoyed the first one. Ditto with this one.

CV: Grimoire of Souls - This game is kinda grindy, but am prepared to put this down if it gets bad.
At least it's been tolerable thus far, as I've picked up since I picked up some tricks and workarounds. I do like the game play. A lot of story for a mobile/tablet game, and Castlevania game

Rayman Mini - I like autorunners with levels that end. This one reminded me of Rayman Jungle Run and Rayman Fiesta Run (both no longer available :( ), and Rayman Adventures (I have this on Android, but moving on to random levels and lack of structure yanked my interest).

Cat Quest II - Recommended by a friend. ARPG that's simple enough to play, not a lot of leveling up required, and full of cat/dog/animal puns!

yeah good post and good point about families, its a cheap way of giving kids tons of games.just doesnt have anything for me that actually is addictive. i love golf battle. its freemium so there's a bit of grinding but the actual game of mini golf is addictive. Apple Arcade has various golf games, none of which have that spark. its all fur coats and no knickers.
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I’m not a AAA gamer as I used to be when I was in my 10s-20s. The only game I still play regularly today isciv 6 (on my iPad pro these days)

for me Apple Arcade is perfect. For cheap I can enjoy some casual games. Some I only play once and never look back at and some I play all the time when I need to waste a bit of time on a train or something.

I think it’s grown into a nice library and I agree it’s totally not for everyone, but for casual gamers it’s probably one of the best services out there.
Yes, why are you trying this hard? My question is that! Better avoid such soulless things! Switch to another! Problem solved!
Yes, why are you trying this hard? My question is that! Better avoid such soulless things! Switch to another! Problem solved!
"Eh"... I'm genuinely curious myself to hear the details of why our OP was struggling with AA, and others views on it. I myself will be faced with the same situation a couple of months from now when my AA and ATV+ trials are going to expire. I'm leaning towards keeping AA, but ditching ATV+. I'll likely watch everything I'd like to on ATV+, and even then, I'm eager to move on to another streaming service (Netflix is new to me, but I've dabbled in a few others and wouldn't mind getting back to those)

I'll keep AA for as long as needed to see the end of Castlevania: GoS
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Yes, why are you trying this hard? My question is that! Better avoid such soulless things! Switch to another! Problem solved!

in theory im their ideal client. I like apple stuff, like playing games, both big games on PS4 and casual games. Also since i subscribe to Apple Tv+ which is getting better, there's rarely a month where there isnt a new series i like, enjoying Slow Horse at the moment. Also i pay for extra storage and itunes match so it wouldnt cost me much more.

and so having tried it agian, i am now avoiding such soulless things, i just wanted to know if it was just me...
in theory im their ideal client. I like apple stuff, like playing games, both big games on PS4 and casual games. Also since i subscribe to Apple Tv+ which is getting better, there's rarely a month where there isnt a new series i like, enjoying Slow Horse at the moment. Also i pay for extra storage and itunes match so it wouldnt cost me much more.

and so having tried it agian, i am now avoiding such soulless things, i just wanted to know if it was just me...
Then I would say, it's just you! ;) But yeah I don't have that much spare time to check all the new series and games to enjoy but to me Apple is love! An emotion! A brand! ;) And such kind of words hurts me that's why commented!
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Checking back in... I'm now weeks from renewal on AA. Still on the fence. I've finished Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls. It could be fun playing games like Lumen+, Spire Blast, SP!NG, and Prune+ on a "pick up and play" basis, and just abandon without a care if need be. Games with "more structure" like the new Frogger one, and Cat Quest 2 add more content for me. If I am going to get in, it'll be "all or nothing". Specifically, I'll do an annual sub (through for $45) if so.
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