I tried to update my hacked iphone to 2.0.2 from 1.1.4 through itunes 8.0 and it entered a non recoverable mode. Screen now only shows a usb image connecting to an itunes icon. Cant turn it on off or anything..
After trying everything I accidentaly restored the official way through itunes 8.0.
Does anyone know a way to recover it? or is it gone forever?
any help will be greatly appreciated
I tried to update my hacked iphone to 2.0.2 from 1.1.4 through itunes 8.0 and it entered a non recoverable mode. Screen now only shows a usb image connecting to an itunes icon. Cant turn it on off or anything..
After trying everything I accidentaly restored the official way through itunes 8.0.
Does anyone know a way to recover it? or is it gone forever?
any help will be greatly appreciated