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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2010
0 you find yourself becoming increasingly frustrated with it's lack of functionality? I'll give a couple of examples from the many little frustrations I've been having.

- I really bought into the whole iWork thing but it's a real pain to do anything constructive as the file transfer system is rubbish. I use iWork 08 which isn't supported in the iPad version so I have to convert all my pages stuff Docs which gives the inevitable format issues. It would be more useful to have wireless printing from the iPad then I can skip the hassle of file transfers. I don't do anything fancy so the iWork suite on the iPad is great for me. (I thought)

- Email, I cannot use aliases to send or view my smart mailboxes which renders it useless for me as I use these functions for business.

- PDFs are a real pain. I have to load them up then make notes by hand or use my laptop.

I was really hoping the iPad would sit between the phone and the laptop but at the moment I just cannot shake the feeling of being short changed. I know many of my grumbles will be sorted with the new OS maybe then I can finally leave the laptop at home.

Don't get me wrong this thing is great dare I say magical when I want to watch a film play a game or browse the web but I was hoping to do something more constructive with it. Anyone else get a similar feeling or is it just me?

But..............I do love my iPad

Just give me the iOS 4 on iPad. I don't even need "true" multitasking. Just the background media playback would change my iPad experience drastically for good.
I wish it was running a full version of OS X. Now THAT would be revolutionary.

Pretty neat. Almost bought one a few years ago. Till I saw the over $2000 price tag. Click on support, and you see they are no longer in business. HP/Compaq make "tablets". Spend $1800-$2000 plus and hackintosh it. They are full sized laptops with twist touch screens. Craptacular. (I have repaired a TC 4400). What REALLY Would be revolutionary is one of these iPad 'killers' actually worked.
I got an idea for you - you've got some serious work to do? Use a serious computer. You wanna have some fun, grab your iPad.

I agree to an extent but wanting to send some emails from an aliase isn't exactly serious computer territory but it would allow me to do some work. I am having lots of fun too though :).

I wish it was running a full version of OS X. Now THAT would be revolutionary.

No that would make it like all the tablets that existed before the iPad. You know the ones that never sold.
Gotta step your app game up. The only downside of the iPad is rummaging through tons of useless apps in the app store to get what you NEED.
Stepping up your app game can cost you if you don't have the right tools. lol

Check some app blogs like appadvice out for some good reviews on apps.

11 iPad Apps To Dump Your Laptop

Hrmmm, I'm really interested in what these apps might be, but the link on that page doesn't seem to work. What are the apps? you find yourself becoming increasingly frustrated with it's lack of functionality? I'll give a couple of examples from the many little frustrations I've been having.

- I really bought into the whole iWork thing but it's a real pain to do anything constructive as the file transfer system is rubbish. I use iWork 08 which isn't supported in the iPad version so I have to convert all my pages stuff Docs which gives the inevitable format issues. It would be more useful to have wireless printing from the iPad then I can skip the hassle of file transfers. I don't do anything fancy so the iWork suite on the iPad is great for me. (I thought)

- Email, I cannot use aliases to send or view my smart mailboxes which renders it useless for me as I use these functions for business.

- PDFs are a real pain. I have to load them up then make notes by hand or use my laptop.

I was really hoping the iPad would sit between the phone and the laptop but at the moment I just cannot shake the feeling of being short changed. I know many of my grumbles will be sorted with the new OS maybe then I can finally leave the laptop at home.

Don't get me wrong this thing is great dare I say magical when I want to watch a film play a game or browse the web but I was hoping to do something more constructive with it. Anyone else get a similar feeling or is it just me?

But..............I do love my iPad


I don't think the iPad was ever meant to replace the laptop or desk top. It is a device for consumption: surfing the web, watching videos, playing games. It's not meant for typing manuscripts or marking up PDFs
The iBooks update coming this month will add PDF viewing and annotation. Check out the WWDC keynote for more information.
.......I was really hoping the iPad would sit between the phone and the laptop

Smartphone <> iPad <> Computer

I think it sits in there pretty well.

Please remember...we are at Month # 3 of the release.

I used iWorks on the iPad at the store (demo)...did not like I never bought the apps.
No that would make it like all the tablets that existed before the iPad. You know the ones that never sold.

No it wouldn't. It could have the iPhone OS running in the foreground all the time.

It doesn't have to be a 100% full version of OS X. They could take out certain features.
No it wouldn't. It could have the iPhone OS running in the foreground all the time.

It doesn't have to be a 100% full version of OS X. They could take out certain features.

You mean like, iOS? Which is based on OS X?
This is what I don't get with people. You have a smart phone, you have a laptop. This is a NEW device category that fits between them. It isn't designed to be a replacement for a laptop, it is supposed to sit between the two, which I feel does a pretty good job even though its a version 1 product.

If your iWork documents aren't supported by your iWorks suite on your Mac then you need to upgrade. Surely you read the requirements before buying them??

- I really bought into the whole iWork thing but it's a real pain to do anything constructive as the file transfer system is rubbish. I use iWork 08 which isn't supported in the iPad version so I have to convert all my pages stuff Docs which gives the inevitable format issues. It would be more useful to have wireless printing from the iPad then I can skip the hassle of file transfers. I don't do anything fancy so the iWork suite on the iPad is great for me. (I thought)

If all you're worried about is printing, couldn't you just export to PDF and print from your main computer that way??? You wouldn't lose any formatting and could use GoodReader or Dropbox for the file transfers.

- Email, I cannot use aliases to send or view my smart mailboxes which renders it useless for me as I use these functions for business.

I agree.
I thought I did read somewhere there was a way around it... I didn't try, but search on Google...

- PDFs are a real pain. I have to load them up then make notes by hand or use my laptop.

iAnnotate is pretty good.
Also, iBooks is going to support this by the end of the month.

I agree with the person who said step up your App game. There's quiite a few that help with functionality, some or really cheap or free.

OS4 will be welcomed though...
- I really bought into the whole iWork thing but it's a real pain to do anything constructive as the file transfer system is rubbish. I use iWork 08 which isn't supported in the iPad version so I have to convert all my pages stuff Docs which gives the inevitable format issues. It would be more useful to have wireless printing from the iPad then I can skip the hassle of file transfers. I don't do anything fancy so the iWork suite on the iPad is great for me. (I thought)
There are three basic types of iPad printing apps to help you print from you iPad - print directly to Wi-Fi-enabled printers, print to the shared printers and run a server in the background.

How to Print from Your iPad

- Email, I cannot use aliases to send or view my smart mailboxes which renders it useless for me as I use these functions for business.
I have met the same problem, and I did try searching on google, but found nothing. If you have an answer, could you please tell me:)

- PDFs are a real pain. I have to load them up then make notes by hand or use my laptop.
ePub is awful format!
You mean like, iOS? Which is based on OS X?

Uh no.

I meant that they could disable things that only make sense for a laptop and a desktop.

I just don't see much use for the iPad for myself. It's great for soccer moms, though.
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