I got a 32GB Wi-Fi iPad last week and I'm loving this thing
. I had slight buyers remorse when I kept thinking that I dropped $600 for this thing but I've been using it a lot everyday and it's totally awesome. The browsing, the video, the overall experience is completely intuitive and I now understand what you guys were talking about when you have to use it to "get" it
I got this thing when I knew about the 256mb of RAM thing and the iPhone 4 having twice as much. The only problem is, the iPhone 4 will NEVER have this large screen, it'll never have the "laid back" browsing experience the iPad has
. I've got an iPhone 4 reordered and I'm sure I'm going to love it but the iPad is king at my house and the iPhone will be king when out n about 
I got this thing when I knew about the 256mb of RAM thing and the iPhone 4 having twice as much. The only problem is, the iPhone 4 will NEVER have this large screen, it'll never have the "laid back" browsing experience the iPad has