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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
Some jack asses write articles on why they no longer need an iPad but a phone and MacBook Air is good enough for most. I COMPLETELY disagree. Use my iPad daily to read and for all kinds of things. Bigger screen than phone and much easier to lug around than a laptop. It’s very valuable on long plane flights as I use mine nearly the entire flight. I love the iPad!!!
Some jack asses write articles on why they no longer need an iPad but a phone and MacBook Air is good enough for most. I COMPLETELY disagree. Use my iPad daily to read and for all kinds of things. Bigger screen than phone and much easier to lug around than a laptop. It’s very valuable on long plane flights as I use mine nearly the entire flight. I love the iPad!!!
I agree iPad is the best for book reader. Especially thick ones like academic books. I have couple GB on my iPad. However I also agree if iPad (even with Magic Keyboard) is not sufficient to do serious office stuff works (like open big excel or ppt file) and some other works like coding etc.
IMO, just enjoy whatever use case that works with you. Different people have different needs.
Some jack asses write articles on why they no longer need an iPad but a phone and MacBook Air is good enough for most. I COMPLETELY disagree. Use my iPad daily to read and for all kinds of things. Bigger screen than phone and much easier to lug around than a laptop. It’s very valuable on long plane flights as I use mine nearly the entire flight. I love the iPad!!!
I'm in complete agreement. For every list of things the iPad can’t do compared to a laptop, I can easily write one about the things that it can.
A little story. Recently, I had the opportunity to go back to MacOS after being on an iPad exclusively for years. My first reaction, this is just such a tedious slow way of doing things. Literally, a 30+ year of design that hasn’t changed much. Mouse, peck and hunt the objects to close windows etc. The finger method of the iPad is so much more fluid. I took out the middle man with the iPad.
Then, in a random error (partially my fault, partially the system) I caused a real headache by accidentally deleting a system file. This just wouldn’t happen on an iPad.
I get all the arguments etc for the MacOS laptop way of doing things, but after this whole debacle, I basically vowed Im DONE with MacOS and laptops etc. Is the iPad perfect? No. What is? But all these arguments about “real work” etc is all subjective. They just have a mouthpiece to write about it.
Just give me the portable STABLE iPad (with an external monitor perhaps) and I’m set.
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If you don’t like the iPad why post?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and is allowed to express it. I agree with you that the iPad is a useful and worthwhile device. It's a part of my daily workflow, and recreational use. Other people think it's just a blown up iPhone and therefore redundant. They're entitled to feel that way, but it has no effect on me or my opinion.
The problem is that Apple has gimped the software experience. The hardware can run MacOS. I think that's what people are frustrated with. I like iPads, but it's a tertiary device for me. If I never pick another one up, I wouldn't mind. My Macbook and iPhone on the other hand are indispensable. Need both of them.
The problem is that Apple has gimped the software experience. The hardware can run MacOS. I think that's what people are frustrated with. I like iPads, but it's a tertiary device for me. If I never pick another one up, I wouldn't mind. My Macbook and iPhone on the other hand are indispensable. Need both of them.
Microsoft has taken that approach, making tablets that run full Windows. They've even made Windows more touchscreen friendly and including features like a tablet mode. But pretty much everyone with a Surface Pro tablet attaches a keyboard and uses it primarily as an ultraportable laptop.

While I think that more can be done to differentiate iPadOS from iOS, I think that the iPad is better off being primarily a tablet/mobile device rather than being a laptop in tablet form.
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I absolutely love my iPad too. I have loved everyone of them that I’ve had since the iPad three. Completely works for everything I need to do. But just because that’s my story doesn’t make it true for everyone and that does not make them jackasses. The wonderful thing is we have CHOICE.
I also like my iPad, and it may even approach love (who knows!). But I agree that it's so much more practical, expedient, efficient, and pleasure to use than either a mobile phone or laptop. I've even explored ditching my iPhone and replacing with a cellular iPad recently, and still may at some point.
The problem is that Apple has gimped the software experience. The hardware can run MacOS. I think that's what people are frustrated with. I like iPads, but it's a tertiary device for me. If I never pick another one up, I wouldn't mind. My Macbook and iPhone on the other hand are indispensable. Need both of them.
Do you not like to read books? iPads don’t need to run MacOS and I would not like it if it did. Use my Mini 6 daily.
I ditched my macbook pro for an iPad Pro years ago. As an artist, it’s all I need to create & consume media on. It may not be a laptop replacement for others, but for me it is...and more! For starters, It’s a much better digital sketchbook with the Apple pencil. I also edit all my photos & videos on it. I use it to take notes on with the apple pencil as well as write on using the virtual keyboard. It’s lighter than any laptop. I enjoy watching movies on it & surfing the web on it more than on any laptop. In every single category, it is better than a laptop for me. Love love LOVE my ipad pro. I also have an iPad mini for when I really want to travel light. I will never get another laptop again.
And this post is useful because……

Different people different needs, what works for you might not work for someone else.
I use iPads as laptop replacement, but even I agree that it is not for everyone.

In the end, you can run Windows and Mac OS on the iPad or even use cloud computing in the end if you need to do coding.

It's just that people here want to limit themselves.
I call them “entitled to their opinion”

I don’t need to use derogatory terms to describe them. But then again, I am a grown-up.

Agree that all have an opinion, but if you look at the context, these terms to describe iPads are far from a polite and well argued opinion.

So when I see these kinds of terms used to describe the iPad, I think, no write, "clueless", "old-fashioned", "little knowledge", "click-hungry". Are that derogatory or am I only stating an opinion, in your opinion?
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