what are some thing that are better on android? i want a bigger screen and a good battery, that's why the RAZR attracted me to it....but what are the major gripes vs an iphone
what are some thing that are better on android?....but what are the major gripes vs an iphone
This is kind of a ridiculous thread. People aren't supposed to write you a huge article comparing Android vs. iOS just because you're too lazy to collect that info yourself. Go use this thing called Google.
Wouldn't iOS users be the worst people to ask this to if you want an accurate answer?
what are some thing that are better on android? i want a bigger screen and a good battery, that's why the RAZR attracted me to it....but what are the major gripes vs an iphone
Might actually be the best place, as an android forum would give biased replies.
what are some thing that are better on android? i want a bigger screen and a good battery, that's why the RAZR attracted me to it....but what are the major gripes vs an iphone