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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 22, 2005
I guess i dont really NEED one, but i do want one. I have had great luck with canon over the years.... it feels odd to say that since i still feel pretty young (23). I have been shooting canon since i was 15 and would like to stay loyal to the brand if i could (snicker and say what you want about this idea).

I would like a point and shoot. 5mp or better. video capabilities. decent viewing screen, doesnt need a ton of features. some optical zoom.

My DSLR is great, and i love it, but it isnt particularly handy, and i would like something to just snap some photos with. any advice?


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2002
I use an SD300, and it's a great little camera. If you don't need the really small size, you can go up to the S series, but either way, just pick the one that's in your price range with the quality you need (probably the SD500 or S500 would be good for you). They work wonderfully, and I've got some great pics from just about every light setting.



macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2002
Yeah, definitely the SD500 or better, depending on your price range (actually, now that I think about it, I think the SD400 is 5.1 megapixels, so it would fit your standards as well). Only trick is the S series gets 4x zoom instead of the 3x zoom on the SD series, but that's not a huge difference.



macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2005
Daegu, South Korea
I like Canons, too. I have 2. Ixus 55: very well-built and fun to use but soft corners at wide angle and noisy at high iso, and an A95, great colour outside, some purple fringe, sharp lens, noisy at high iso.
But life is too short to get stuck on one brand.
If you are getting a small camera, you have lots of good choices.
I really like my Pentax W10, a very good waterproof for rainy/dusty days (really sharp except at tele, great macro, not a luxury-feel cam. but seems durable, no manual controls except e.v. comp.)
I love to use my Fuji F30 for low-light and just all-round photography. (very, very sharp lens and great sensor, some purple fringe, but rarely noticeable except on lights at night, only problem has been some trouble with outside shots in bright light with lots of dark green)
My big camera is a Sony DSC R1
I'm going to sell/give away the Canons and get one of the new ones (probably A710is) for my sunny-day compact, unless a good new compact comes out with a 28mm lens and i.s.. :) (not panasonic, too noisy)


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
taytho said:
I guess i dont really NEED one, but i do want one. I have had great luck with canon over the years.... it feels odd to say that since i still feel pretty young (23). I have been shooting canon since i was 15 and would like to stay loyal to the brand if i could (snicker and say what you want about this idea).

I would like a point and shoot. 5mp or better. video capabilities. decent viewing screen, doesnt need a ton of features. some optical zoom.

My DSLR is great, and i love it, but it isnt particularly handy, and i would like something to just snap some photos with. any advice?

I was also a Canon shooter. Have had 6 Canon digitals so far in my family. Looked into getting the Canon 350D "for sure." I was even going to buy it without looking at other options because of my good experience with Canons.

I now own a Nikon DSLR. ;)

I have a Canon IXUS 40 and it has been good (or good enough). At least look at other brands. This can range from Fuji, Olympus, Pentax, Casio, or Kodak's dual lens models (forget the model names, but they have a lens that's specifically for wideangle shots, and a normal 3x zoom lens as well). Sony makes some fantastic thin cameras. :)


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
great to be loyal to be brand, but look at the Fuji V-10. it's durable, has a huge LCD, good video quality, and the sensor is as good as any canon powershot out there.


macrumors 68020
Dec 24, 2004
Finally I have arrived.....
PowerShot SD900

Anyone has tried PowerShot SD900? The specs (including 10 Meg Pixels) look good. I am looking for a compact Point & Shoot digital camera as I cannot carry D30 with multiple lens all the time when I travel (especially when I take a plane nowadays). Even though I prefer to take pictures in Raw format, I can make an exception for P&S camera as it tends to use JPEG format in general.


macrumors member
Sep 9, 2006
Osaka, Japan
My wife and I went on our honeymoon to California just this last July. I didn't want to take my digital slr gear and we want something inconspicuous. She got a nice little sd30. It's a great small little camera that takes very nice pictures. It was so compact, screen is a little bit small, but we didnt mind the tradeoff since it is such a discrete camera. Great for vacations especially!


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2006
taytho said:
... would like to stay loyal to the brand if i could (snicker and say what you want about this idea).

In an Apple community? :D

I can only speak for myself, but I seriously doubt too many people here will ever buy a "PC" again. ;)

I have to agree though, outside of brand loyalty, there are some very nice point and shoots from several brands. If you want a Canon, cool. They make some nice one's too. Just don't rule out anything else, as you may miss a good opportunity.
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