I'd like to hire a designer to do my company logo, business cards and etc.
Any recommendations? Thanks!
Any recommendations? Thanks!
Here we go...
At least you used the word "hire" in your request, which at least has an assemblance to paying for the work.
Is this an inappropriate post?
I have gotten a few jobs by just being a design student. They usually wont charge you too much and usually do pretty good work.
Aye, but make sure you don't exploit them. I tell all of my students to never give away their work for too little money, even though they are students they still possess the design skils required to do the task and that is why they're being asked to help out in the first place.
Ya it doesn't seem like he is looking for someone from here.
Out of interest, what kind of thing are you looking for in a logo?
No reason to close this thread; the question may still be answered and perhaps provide useful information to others. No reason to move this thread; seems to be in the appropriate forum.Regardless, I guess this thread has to close or move.
Actually, it can be against forum rules. Job offers cannot be made outside of the Marketplace, and the OP does not have enough posts for that forum. As long as the thread stays on the subject of "where" can help be found and not people being hired from here, the thread can stay open. Otherwise it will be closed and possibly deleted.
Why is that? I'm simply curious what the harm is in allowing new posters to solicit paid work in the proper forums? Would the mods rather the new poster go elsewhere to find a contractor? Isn't that harmful to the community?
Why is that? I'm simply curious what the harm is in allowing new posters to solicit paid work in the proper forums? Would the mods rather the new poster go elsewhere to find a contractor? Isn't that harmful to the community?
Why is that? I'm simply curious what the harm is in allowing new posters to solicit paid work in the proper forums? Would the mods rather the new poster go elsewhere to find a contractor? Isn't that harmful to the community?
Personally, I would recommend looking for a local design agency or freelance designer as it usually better to work one-on-one of face to face with a designer for communication purposes.