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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2006
Im debating between advanced point and shoot Powershot S3 IS

and Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

The first one fits my budget better.

But i've never had an slr camera and Im debating to take the jump or not becuase i have a reltive who used to use a point and shoot then moved up to a slr and i can tell the pictures have improved. But im not sure if that is for me. any imput would help thanks:cool:


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
b0tt094 said:
Im debating between advanced point and shoot Powershot S3 IS

and Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT

The first one fits my budget better.

But i've never had an slr camera and Im debating to take the jump or not becuase i have a reltive who used to use a point and shoot then moved up to a slr and i can tell the pictures have improved. But im not sure if that is for me. any imput would help thanks:cool:

Look at the Nikon D50. The build quality is betterthen the Canon and the price is quite a bit lower. If price is holding you back the D50 is the way to go.

As for if you even want an SLR it really comes to size. Will you cary and use the SLR. I would go that route if (big if here) your primary interrest is photograpy. Or is a camera something you take while you do some other activity? It it's good images you want then go the SLR route but if you want a small camera go the P&S route.

If you deside on the SLR then it comes dowen to Canon Vs. Nikon.

DOn't go counting "megapixels". At least not until you know how MP relates to maximum print size at 300DPI.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Ehemm... ChrisA, the choice for SLR's does not come down to Canon vs. Nikon; there are other camera manufacturer's who make them ;). Both make very good cameras but so do some other people.

But to me, it sounds like b0tt094 needs to do a little more research into dSLR's to see as to whether he really needs one.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
balofagus said:
Ehemm... ChrisA, the choice for SLR's does not come down to Canon vs. Nikon; there are other camera manufacturer's who make them ;). Both make very good cameras but so do some other people.

Cameras yes. No the others do not offer the selection of lenses. We will have to wait a decade of two for that. Most SLR owners spend far more on lenses then on camera bodies. After all its the lens that makes the image, the camera can only record it. So when you choose a camera maker look at the set of lenses you want to own down the line. See who makes them and then buy whatever body fits those lenses. Remember to look down the road a 5 to 10 years if you can

Don't think of the DSLR body as an "investment". It's not. Think of it as a pack of film with maybe 20,000 exposures that you will use up in 3 to 5 years. But the lenses DO last nearly forever.

So yes of couse. There are other SLR makers. Pentax and Olimpus come to mind but look at the lens selection. What if you become seriously interrested in sports or wildlife or just want to rent an expensive lens for a day?

Whatever DSLR body you buy will have a short life. People kept film bodies for 20 years. No one will want a 2006 vintage DSLR body in 2026 but my Nikon 85mm f/1.8 lens will still be usfull in in use in 20 years. So don't select a camera brand based on the features of a current model DSRL body. look at eh COMPANY and it's product line and the company's history.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Or just buy something like an S3. ;)

He says the photos taken by his relative using a DSLR look really improved, but maybe it's just camera technology in general, or because bigger point and shoot cameras just happen to take better photos than the more common slim point and shoot cameras.

If you buy a DSLR, be prepared to pay even more for lenses. If you can't, then I really do believe that a Canon S3 is going to offer you a lot more than a Canon Digital Rebel XT with just a kit lens, because that lens on the S3 is probably better than the kit. The S3's lens is actually quite good.
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