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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 1, 2007
...A friend's parents want to purchase a page in her yearbook for her, it being her senior year in High School. They want me to design it. They want a bird ghosted in the background with a poem over it, and they want to add a note at the bottom. Simple, but they demand that the bird be a dove. I have a great shot of a seagull as it is taking off from a pier, but it has to be a dove. They even said they love the layout and the design and the picture, but it won't work because it has to be a dove. Well, I have two pictures of birds out of the few hundred pictures I've taken in the pastyear with my 35mm slr, and both of them are seagulls. I would just google it, but I don't want to use a photo without the express permission of the owner. If you have a picture of a dove that I could use for this gal's yearbook page, I would love to have it! I can garuntee that I will not use the picture anywhere else. I cannot garuntee that I'll give you credit on the page, but if it looks like I can sneak it in somewhere, "picture belongs to ________" where they won't mind, I'll try. So, Macrumors, are there any good wildlife photogs here? :) (part of ther eason I have no good bird pictures and no dove pictures is that I'm not good at wildlife stuff. I'mworking on it, but have no clue where to find doves to try on.) Thank you!


Oct 17, 2005
you can use this dove for free


Hehe okay its only my budgie :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 1, 2007
I know there are stock photo places, and thank you for reccomending a few of them. If no one here give me something good, I'll use them. However, I know that most of thepeople on here taking amazingly good photos, and was hoping someone would have one that would blow away any stock image I could find :) And I figured someone would want to show off their picture.
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