Hello anyone with AppleScript programming knowledge. I just need a quick little script that will take the text from the clipboard, and paste it into a new .rtfd file on the desktop. Two things the script must do are.... 1. Ask "Who is the conversation with?" then give a text box where I type in "Christine" then it will take the text from the clipboard and create a .rtfd file on the desktop called "Chat with Christine" when I click OK, like wise if I put in "Jeff" it would make a file called "Chat with Jeff". The other thing it must do is keep the formatting ie colours and fonts.
--Thanks so much
PS If you decide to be the lucky programmer to take this task please post that you are working on it so I don't get 5 or 6 copies of the same script. Secondly when you are done please email me the file, my email address is my GoogleTalk name.
--Thanks so much
PS If you decide to be the lucky programmer to take this task please post that you are working on it so I don't get 5 or 6 copies of the same script. Secondly when you are done please email me the file, my email address is my GoogleTalk name.