now some people love the 120hz and some hate it. it essentially gives you a soap opera effect and adds depth. i love it because it makes it seem real with depth. 120hz tho is made for BLURAY ONLY. turn it off when watching tv. its made for the 24 frames per second feature which bluray offers.
There are a few statements in here that need to be corrected:
1. As already mentioned earlier in this thread, 120 Hz does not give the soap opera effect, the motion processing features do. You cannot turn 120 Hz on and off, but you can turn the motion processing on or off.
2. It not true that 120 Hz is for Blu-ray only. The faster refresh rate (120 Hz) is designed to solve some of the motion blur issues that are inherent in LCD technology. The TV manufacturers use the faster refresh rate to allow for frame interpolation/insertion, where it creates new frames between the existing frames. This can be done with 24 Hz or 60 Hz sources, so it can be applied to any input, not just Blu-ray. In fact, a lot of people seem to have the opinion that the motion processing features on 120 Hz sets work the best with sports on HD cable/satellite.
3. The 120 Hz refresh rate is not designed for watching 24 Hz sources. It would seem to make sense that 120 can be divided by both 60 and 24, so it should allow for 2:2 pulldown on 60 Hz sources and 5:5 pulldown on 24 Hz sources, but thats not really why it exists. In fact, many 120 Hz TVs do not allow for 5:5 pulldown. For those that do, you have to turn off the motion processing feature to activate 5:5 pulldown, which will give you the smoothest, most film-like picture for watching 24 Hz based material.
4. Blu-ray is not the only possible 24 Hz source. In fact, it is possible to get 24p playback from SD-DVD. I know that recent Panasonic players (including my BD35) allow for 24p playback from SD DVDs. Im sure at least some other manufacturers do too (Im pretty sure Oppo does).