I want to go into Graphic Design but I really have no one to ask about what the process is like. That's why I came here
I am a junior in HS and the first thing that is worrying me right now is building a portfolio. I can't draw for the life of me, but I have a feeling I'm really going to need to learn in order to suceed. Point of that being that I don't have any drawings or sketches. In fact, I've never been in an Art program in school. Yeah, thank my guidance department for that one.. If anyone has a chance can they look at my Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonathanlampron) and let me know how I'm looking. What I mean by this is like, does my stuff look totally amateur? How much progression do I need to make to get some stuff that's portfolio worthy and that is going to get me into a good school? What it comes down to is that I have the drive, potential (well I like to think so), the equipment (MBP and Canon Rebel XTi, drawing supplies are easy to get), but I severely lack any direction so anything you can give me, even if its "woah, you really have a LOT of work do to if you want to be ready," would be so greatly appreciated.