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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 1, 2009
I need help!!!!

with this applescript can get to quit after run and applescript with close on OSX shutdown.

thank you for your help

(*Steve Jørgensen, Copyright ® 2009 *)

-- Du skal først indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode som står nederst i applescriptet

global UserName
global ServerName
global passwd

on ActivateTerminal()
	set ScriptCommand to "ssh -T " & UserName & "@" & ServerName
	tell application "Terminal"
		do script ScriptCommand
		tell application "System Events"
			keystroke "m" using {command down, option down}
		end tell
		delay 2
		do script passwd in window 1
	end tell
end ActivateTerminal

on ActivateTerminal2()
	set ScriptCommand to "ping -i 15"
	display dialog "K-Net Utility" & return & return & ¬
		"Du er nu logget på K-Net 
Vil du starte keep alive, som hjælper dig med at holde internetsforbindelsen oppe?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 1
	set hostname to ""
	do shell script "ping -i 15 " & hostname
end ActivateTerminal2

on ActivateTerminal3()
	display dialog "K-Net Utility" & return & return & ¬
		"Du er nu logget på K-Net 
Vil Lukke af" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 1
	tell application "Terminal"
		contents quit
	end tell
end ActivateTerminal3

on run
	set ServerName to ""
	set UserName to "xxxx" -- Erstat dit brugernan med XXXXX
	set passwd to "yyyy" -- Erstat din adgangskode med YYYYY 
end run


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i don't know **** about applescript, but I may be of help just the same.

this page: lists the keys available for . using NSUserDefaults is probably over kill for setting a quick logout script once, so if applescript supports wrapping terminal commands, do that. like in the link.

google must be broken for some people.

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