I need help!!!!
with this applescript can get to quit after run and applescript with close on OSX shutdown.
thank you for your help
with this applescript can get to quit after run and applescript with close on OSX shutdown.
thank you for your help
(*Steve Jørgensen, Copyright ® 2009 qb-animation.org *)
-- Du skal først indtaste brugernavn og adgangskode som står nederst i applescriptet
global UserName
global ServerName
global passwd
on ActivateTerminal()
set ScriptCommand to "ssh -T " & UserName & "@" & ServerName
tell application "Terminal"
do script ScriptCommand
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "m" using {command down, option down}
end tell
delay 2
do script passwd in window 1
end tell
end ActivateTerminal
on ActivateTerminal2()
set ScriptCommand to "ping -i 15 google.com"
display dialog "K-Net Utility" & return & return & ¬
"Du er nu logget på K-Net
Vil du starte keep alive, som hjælper dig med at holde internetsforbindelsen oppe?" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 1
set hostname to "www.google.com"
do shell script "ping -i 15 " & hostname
end ActivateTerminal2
on ActivateTerminal3()
display dialog "K-Net Utility" & return & return & ¬
"Du er nu logget på K-Net
Vil Lukke af" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 1
tell application "Terminal"
contents quit
end tell
end ActivateTerminal3
on run
set ServerName to "fw2.k-net.dk"
set UserName to "xxxx" -- Erstat dit brugernan med XXXXX
set passwd to "yyyy" -- Erstat din adgangskode med YYYYY
end run