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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 22, 2003
Can someone please help me understand it? I've tried the official client and azareus and looked all over the internet, but I still don't understand how to set it up.

I'm behind a firewall (router) and I can't seem to get the 6881-6889 open in the Access Control under setup. I've heard some of the clients can work with the router and get around. Can one of you give me a guide of what to do?
If you have BitTorrent installed then go to a website like That is how you search. I have not found a client either. I cant help you with the firewall junk. Sorry
you do port mapping/forwarding. you set the public port to 688x (x for a number from 1 to 9), the local IP address of the computer you're using (should be something like 10.0.0.x or 192.168.x.x), and the private port to 688x (again, x = number between 1 and 9, inclusive).

Should be in the software thing of whatever came with your router.
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