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macrumors 68000
Original poster
May 11, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Hi Everyone,
I own a iMac 3.06 24 inch and a Mac Mini 2.0 that I will be selling. I want to restore it back to factory condition. I know how to erase and install, but what I don't know is how to stop at what point exactly so that the new buyer will open up their mac and turn it on and they get to assign their own user name and password, and set up email etc... Any suggestions on how to do this the best way?

Are there also any options where I can preinstall something on the machine without actually having to create the buyers name or do I wait to see who buys it and let them know that I need a few days to get the system ready?

Or should I just include the disc's and let them install the software themselves such as MS Office for Mac 2008, and Final Cut Express 4.0 etc...

I need any and all comments. Please don't be shy, let me hear your opinions.
Personally I'd wipe it clean (from the install disk) and install the base OS. Let the user install the additional software. Depending on the OSX install disks they may have to install iLife manually (the new iMac restore disks are like this).
Restoring the mini with the factory restore DVDs (grey discs) is a two step process. 1. OS 2. ilife apps. in order to install the ilife suite you need to create a user account.

When I sell my machines, I just create a dummy user account ( user "admin" password "admin") in order to install ilife & I run the updates. I include a post it with the user name and password on the machine.

If you want them to be able to create their own user name you could shut down the machine after the OS is installed. The new buyer will get the animation and the prompt to create a user account. He will then need to install the ilife CD.
sell the original osx disc's with the mac please
as its how you bought it ,
and as i only buy used macs , quiet a few of them now ,i simply dont consider adds on ebay for example : reading like
"sell mac mini preinstalled osx no discs included"
these adds i simply ignore

what you should do and gives you piece of mind and a happy buyer is :

mac mini (whatever verision)
osx (whatever version it came with)
original disc's included
i preinstalle osx on request ,then its not admin as name and password instead
its "john doe " or whatever name the buyer has ' it makes it more personal
and it feels more like its "my new mac and not like its the computer of someone else "

i honestly pay for a mac with osx disc's more and dont even look at others which only come preinstalled , and without original discs
sell the original osx disc's with the mac please
as its how you bought it ,
and as i only buy used macs , quiet a few of them now ,i simply dont consider adds on ebay for example : reading like
"sell mac mini preinstalled osx no discs included"
these adds i simply ignore

what you should do and gives you piece of mind and a happy buyer is :

mac mini (whatever verision)
osx (whatever version it came with)
original disc's included
i preinstalle osx on request ,then its not admin as name and password instead
its "john doe " or whatever name the buyer has ' it makes it more personal
and it feels more like its "my new mac and not like its the computer of someone else "

i honestly pay for a mac with osx disc's more and dont even look at others which only come preinstalled , and without original discs

Thanks for your feedback. I did intent on giving the original disc's regardless if I install the software or have them install it. I would never sell computers or software without the disc's as that to me proves that they may not have really owned the software to sell it in the first place. But Thanks for affirming that for me. I will include the words "Original Disc's Included "
That is very good advice. Thanks for that.
i preinstalle osx on request ,then its not admin as name and password instead
its "john doe " or whatever name the buyer has ' it makes it more personal
and it feels more like its "my new mac and not like its the computer of someone else "

You know that is a very good idea, if they want to give me the name and password that they want to use, then I can do all the install and updates for them. I may offer that in my ad and then tell them I need 1-2 days to prepare the computer. I like your thinking.
This guide will help you to restore the Mac to the exact condition it was shipped in. I use it every time I sell a Mac. :)

I do recommend you wipe the hard disk with zeroes first though.
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