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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
Sarasota, FL

I'm trying to update my blog and start posting more pictures. To make the blog have a better appearence I'd like all the pictures to have the same size. I've been messing around with this for about two hours, it sounds so trivial but Its been giving me the hardest time. I will start out with a standard size photograph, open the photograph and size it down to 2x3, then throw it into photoshop, add my signature and export it as a JPEG. When uploading the picture it is then sized into 8x9, I have no clue whats up with this.

I'm sorta new to photoshop and the adobe suit, I've noticed changing the dpi changes the size of the picture too. Thus if I have a picture that is 2x3 with 300dpi the actual size is lager than 2x3. I'm so confused on this subject I don't even know how to word my question.. but

How do you guys keep a standard size for pictures to work?



macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2003
Just use Photoshop's "save for web" feature (i'm sure it has it, photoshop elements does). And select the degree of compression you want and then just use the same size for all your pictures.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2005
Rules for print and for web are a little different. In print you focus on physical dimensions and DPI, but for web you focus on the pixels that compose the image. For instance, instead of saving your images to a physical size, alter the pixel dimensions of it. A good web size, unless you're creating wallpapers, it around 600-800 pixels wide. You'll see the option to resize by pixels in adjustments: image size.

Save for web affects the compression and color profile, and is a good option to use once you have the image sized how you want it. To see if you like the size, click Option-APPLE-0 in photoshop to view the full size of the image. That is how it will appear on a website.
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