Hello everyone..
Going to go direct to the point. I need to get better at taking portraits.
I'm using a Canon 6D, Canon 24-105 F4, Aperture priority mode, RAW+JPEG
I'm having a really hard time to get the right exposure. I usually go outside to to take portrait, I don't have access to a studio or anything and usually I go around 3-6PM eastern time. I try to look for a shade area and start shooting.
The problem I'm having is exposure. When I take a shot of a model and the background is well lit, the model seems to get underexposed most of the time. I've tried spot metering.. but at a distance that doesn't work well, and evaluative what I use the most.
To fix that I usually go to lightroom and bump up the exposure a bit and shadows/whites but then I bring some noise in dark areas of the shot and that's killing me.
I've also added a Flash.. with the Flash, at AV mode F/4. The 6D can only go up to 180th of a second overexposing the shot.. if I do HSS then the flash does not add much light depending on the distance and we are back at underexposing the subject.
What I started doing was, I would aim the camera at her legs, lock the exposure(avoiding the background) and then recompose and focus at her to take the shot.
I'm giving some examples of different shots.. These are all JPEGS the way it came out of the camera. I usually work with RAW though.. but they too need retouching as they come out darker than jpegs out of the camera.
What do you guys think of these?? What can I do to get better exposure overall? Are these bad, ok, good??
F4 ISO100 1/125 No Flash
F4 ISO100 1/640 No Flash
F4 ISO 100 1/320 No Flash
F4 ISO 100 1/320 Flash Fired
Going to go direct to the point. I need to get better at taking portraits.
I'm using a Canon 6D, Canon 24-105 F4, Aperture priority mode, RAW+JPEG
I'm having a really hard time to get the right exposure. I usually go outside to to take portrait, I don't have access to a studio or anything and usually I go around 3-6PM eastern time. I try to look for a shade area and start shooting.
The problem I'm having is exposure. When I take a shot of a model and the background is well lit, the model seems to get underexposed most of the time. I've tried spot metering.. but at a distance that doesn't work well, and evaluative what I use the most.
To fix that I usually go to lightroom and bump up the exposure a bit and shadows/whites but then I bring some noise in dark areas of the shot and that's killing me.
I've also added a Flash.. with the Flash, at AV mode F/4. The 6D can only go up to 180th of a second overexposing the shot.. if I do HSS then the flash does not add much light depending on the distance and we are back at underexposing the subject.
What I started doing was, I would aim the camera at her legs, lock the exposure(avoiding the background) and then recompose and focus at her to take the shot.
I'm giving some examples of different shots.. These are all JPEGS the way it came out of the camera. I usually work with RAW though.. but they too need retouching as they come out darker than jpegs out of the camera.
What do you guys think of these?? What can I do to get better exposure overall? Are these bad, ok, good??
F4 ISO100 1/125 No Flash

F4 ISO100 1/640 No Flash

F4 ISO 100 1/320 No Flash

F4 ISO 100 1/320 Flash Fired