If you want to unlock in the future, then use pwnage tool and do it that way. If you don't care about an unlock. Then update to stock 2.2 through itunes (make note of what jailbreak apps you have, so you can download them later) and then download and run the newest quickpwn. That is the easiest way.
only applies to 3g iphones
if you have the first iphone you will still be able to unlock if you update by itunes
Then can you please...IN DETAIL....give me step by step instructions on how to easily upgrade.
Thank you.
so...which of you is right and which of you is lieing? Can anyone confirm or deny these two peoplea posts?
If it's the first iPhone, use either QuickPwn or PwnageTool.
Why would i need to use those if he said I can just update through itunes?