So many people being rude... so few trying to be kind or intelligent enough to offer a solution.
So I did this silly thing too, stucking the card in the wrong slot. I believe so many other people will do it because the slots are easy to confound when you're doing things automatically.
After reading the few posts where people try to help, I created this little instrument shown in the attached picture. It was cut from a soft plastic spatula (for painting), which is as thick as the card. With a little help from my man, the card came out easily, the cd drive is working perfectly and so is the card.
Some of you guys spend such a lot of testosterone in silly disputes... should do like us, women, and use your brains instead. That's the only reason we do mistakes for: to learn from them.
PS: I mixed the toenail colour myself, too. If you need to be rude, can simply say my foot is ugly.