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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 21, 2016
Vancouver BC
Hey there, this seemed like the best place to post some projects I have been working on that last year. Using older 80gb 5th gen ipods I added a 3.7v 8000mah battery with a few easy to find parts and a 2tb seagate external 2.5 inch harddrive.
Going to post the build soon after I sit down and photograph the steps and post the stl files for anyone interesting in trying to make there own as well as I have a few completed and cases printed for sale.
I can get 60 hours if I just let it run non stop and about 40 hours casual use. I only charge it once a week.
It only seems to work with beyond winds msata patch installed for rockbox otherwise I get ata error-32 but original firmware installs ok.
Much cheaper then the msata mod but with this bulky design gives you a chance to play around with a design and easy to replace everything.
Here is a steampunk style I have made for myself, with wood frame and 3D printed parts painted brass.
Might ask why, I say why not haha well enjoy and hope to see other people's version of this soon.

I've upgraded the battery since taking this picture. Just took 2 months for delivery of the 8000mah battery's.


First prototype. Ugly as sin but it worked.

Second Version so I could keep it with me to see how it ran and battery performance.




This is the design I finished with that's as compact as I can get it with easy to find parts.
I have 2 designs, one for the thin harddrive and the thicker 2tb if someone cant find the other but its just a thicker back so easy to upgrade.

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