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Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 4, 2003
And I think they have been demoing it for a while now. I was watching CNET highlight comparing Apple Maps from 2012 to 2022. If you look at the footage of Craig and Meg Frost, its almost like they are in front of a green screen that's just hyper realistic. The weather is just too perfect, they are not sweating like crazy in the California sun. If you even look at Scott standing, he barely moves.

But even look at the other scenes and presentations throughout the keynote. Johny Srouji in what is obviously a mock up lab, Scotts hyper-realistic transitions between departments. If this is a early glimpse of AR, I suspect what Apple would be showing is the level of immersion you will be able to experience. Because , you could hardly tell if its a physical space or not. The lighting is perfect, but some scenes are just too perfectly still at times. Some scenes you can see the trees swaying in the background, but even that looks like a looped intentional video.

Look at the lack of a shadow.


They got this one right, but Meg still looks super imposed.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Maybe but I think they just green screen it like crazy especially since they record it in advance.

Would be fun if they dropped that bombshell if they actually make a VR headset but I just don’t see a market for it. Most VR is gaming and it’s a very niche thing plus it’s expensive to do it right with all the sensors.


macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2021
Might be the minority but I don't think it's a green screen or anything at all. Craig's shadow is a result of the artificial lighting I think, and it looks like these were shot in HDR, which may explain the "fake" look.
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Mr. Dee

macrumors 603
Original poster
Dec 4, 2003
Yeah, it likely could be a green screen. And the ultimate question is, what is the real world application use case? Could be to make virtual worlds feel more approachable and familiar. I could see the separate experience on the iPhone 17 with your VR headset. Place your iPhone on a tripod, step 5 feet away and say 'Hey Siri, capture me' it would then create a replica of you that you can use with VR headset in VR world. I don't know! But it certainly feels like Apple is pursuing something here, might be a moonshot or something that's more complimentary.


macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
Mr. Dee, cool analysis! I like your thinking. I can truly see Apple doing something like this … VR breadcrumbs, foreshadowing.

Add in the new drag-and-drop feature where you take someone's image from here and move it to there, or move it from this to that, and you have the makings of built-in video Photoshopping — one could turn themselves into a Congressman interviewing witnesses — or star as Bond in the latest or original series of films!

It's also a frightening prospect! One could deliver the Apple keynote… be Tim, Craig, Meg, Katie…

We already have so many problems with disinformation, fake news, etc.


macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
And I think they have been demoing it for a while now. I was watching CNET highlight comparing Apple Maps from 2012 to 2022. If you look at the footage of Craig and Meg Frost, its almost like they are in front of a green screen that's just hyper realistic. The weather is just too perfect, they are not sweating like crazy in the California sun. If you even look at Scott standing, he barely moves.

But even look at the other scenes and presentations throughout the keynote. Johny Srouji in what is obviously a mock up lab, Scotts hyper-realistic transitions between departments. If this is a early glimpse of AR, I suspect what Apple would be showing is the level of immersion you will be able to experience. Because , you could hardly tell if its a physical space or not. The lighting is perfect, but some scenes are just too perfectly still at times. Some scenes you can see the trees swaying in the background, but even that looks like a looped intentional video.

View attachment 2020453
Look at the lack of a shadow.

View attachment 2020454

They got this one right, but Meg still looks super imposed.
Video production departments are not AR 😂

There have been at least 5 WWDC’s worth of breadcrumbs that Apple is building an AR OS by looking at their API’s and other tech announcements. Hell, the introduction of LIDAR into their devices and the ability to scan models all are clear indicators.

I appreciate the attention given, but this is a bit of missing the forest from the trees kind of analysis.


macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
By “VR breadcrumbs”, I meant the actual use of the technology — not commentary, clues from supply chain links, analysts' speculations, APIs, etc.

Mr. Dee's analysis wasn't ”Oh, look. Here are clues that Apple is working on it or that it is coming”, but something more tantalizing, “Seems they are already demoing it!”

That's quite different and much cooler — more like ye old hidden Easter Eggs or technology previews!

But you are right — magic in video production or sloppily done CG — isn't the same as previewing the VR headset. That type of Easter Egg would be a brief scene where Tim is off to the side, wearing some odd glasses, not quite his usual ones, and Craig suddenly appears in his field of view!
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
Maybe but I think they just green screen it like crazy especially since they record it in advance.

Would be fun if they dropped that bombshell if they actually make a VR headset but I just don’t see a market for it. Most VR is gaming and it’s a very niche thing plus it’s expensive to do it right with all the sensors.
VR is growing quickly and is no longer expensive with the Quest 2. They outsold Playstation and Xbox last year, though it might be because of supply shortages for the Playstation. I have a Quest 2 as well as some close friends, while some games can be fun, it is generally a great communication tool over distances. Much more fluid to talk with someone in VR then over a zoom call. Lots you can do and experience together in apps like Wander where you are basically using google street view and checking places out or touring museums. One app that is great for social as well as solo is Big Screen, which is basically a movie theatre. You can load your own movies on it and watch and feel like you are watching on the big screen. You can stream privately as well (or publicly) and invite friends to watch a movie in the theatre for free! While not completely mainstream yet, the price to get into it with a quality device is very cheap.

T'hain Esh Kelch

macrumors 603
Aug 5, 2001
Craig doesn't actually exist anymore. He died in an Apple Car crash a couple of years back, and he's now just alive through the 3D rendered model they use in their keynotes. That is actually quite impressive, considering how lifelike he behaves and how detailed he looks. It also explains his always-perfect hair and eternal good mood! Apple is likely gearing up to succeed Cook with a Craig AI, running on M#-Workstation servers, and his new title will be iAI! From there he can run the entire company, keep an eye on everything going on, and even manage factories and warehouse stocks with pico second decisions!

The Apple AR glasses will be sold on having your own personal Craig personal assistant. It will be SO hot with soccer moms and the like!

Conspiracy theory? I think not!
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macrumors 603
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
Craig doesn't actually exist anymore. He died in an Apple Car crash a couple of years back, and he's now just alive through the 3D rendered model they use in their keynotes. That is actually quite impressive, considering how lifelike he behaves and how detailed he looks. It also explains his always-perfect hair and eternal good mood! Apple is likely gearing up to succeed Cook with a Craig AI, running on M#-Workstation servers, and his new title will be iAI! From there he can run the entire company, keep an eye on everything going on, and even manage factories and warehouse stocks with pico second decisions!

The Apple AR glasses will be sold on having your own personal Craig personal assistant. It will be SO hot with soccer moms and the like!

Conspiracy theory? I think not!

I think you’re missing the truth, pal. Because the truth, you know, is out there.

What we are actually watching, is an alien broadcast. Yes, my friend, aliens. Do you think humans are capable of this incredible technology, this degree of miniaturization and integration that current M1 and M2 chips have? I don’t think so. And I’m starting to doubt about the human nature of the people at TSMC. My guess is that they are androids built by the aliens.

Craig and company are broadcasting from the mothership of this alien race, on Earths orbit, and they actually want to enslave us -the aliens, not Apple-, and they are doing it little by little. Those are, indeed, not real images, just like Mr. Dee elucidated (well done mate). Those are projections done with a very advanced AR/VR technology.

They will actually use that technology to dominate our world, first with the introduction of the AR glasses. That way, the aliens will make us see what they want you to see. Remember Platon’s allegory of the cave? Exactly! He predicted it! Our destiny is to linger in shadows, watching only what the aliens want us to watch. And this AR/VR technology, with glasses at first and brain chips in the end, will be the final step to conquer this world. And Apple is just a tool in this master plan. A pretty cool one, I have to say.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2022
Would be fun if they dropped that bombshell if they actually make a VR headset but I just don’t see a market for it. Most VR is gaming and it’s a very niche thing plus it’s expensive to do it right with all the sensors.
And good point, unless its the next iPhone and you email and call and text and web browse on it, it would be hard to pull off putting all those expensive sensors into a tiny pair of glasses. Or get rid of iPhone and make apple glasses uncomfortable so people don't get so addicted to their devices.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
And I think they have been demoing it for a while now. I was watching CNET highlight comparing Apple Maps from 2012 to 2022. If you look at the footage of Craig and Meg Frost, its almost like they are in front of a green screen that's just hyper realistic. The weather is just too perfect, they are not sweating like crazy in the California sun. If you even look at Scott standing, he barely moves.

But even look at the other scenes and presentations throughout the keynote. Johny Srouji in what is obviously a mock up lab, Scotts hyper-realistic transitions between departments. If this is a early glimpse of AR, I suspect what Apple would be showing is the level of immersion you will be able to experience. Because , you could hardly tell if its a physical space or not. The lighting is perfect, but some scenes are just too perfectly still at times. Some scenes you can see the trees swaying in the background, but even that looks like a looped intentional video.

View attachment 2020453
Look at the lack of a shadow.

View attachment 2020454

They got this one right, but Meg still looks super imposed.
Those shots looks perfectly normal to me, by which I mean achieved with normal photography techniques. There's an article here about why and how cinematographers use overheads silks to flatten the sun light on foreground subjects where the shot is tight enough to allow it. For the shot of the lady in the wheelchair they couldn't use a silk because the shadow would show.

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