And then there are people like me that doesn't buy the latest Apple product because it's cool and it frustratingly waiting for an Apple product that does meet his needs. And all I keep finding is this big hole between the Mac mini and the Mac Pro and Apple doesn't get it that an iMac isn't the Apple product I need.
Oh, Apple "Gets it" all right. They could easily build a Mac Tower.
They just don't feel that it would be profitable or wise to cater to your needs.
Apparently, you and other "computer enthusiasts" have been judged to be part of a small, vocal and
UNPROFITABLE minority of potential customers and would be more trouble than you're worth.
So, they specifically avoid catering to your segment. Thus the "big hole".
Want "expandability" and the plethora of potential compatibility problems? Then you have to ante up the big bucks for a Mac Pro to make it worth their while.
It may sound offensive, but it's good business. The iMacs and Mini are difficult to foul up because of the lack of expandability. Fewer complains = better reputation, less headaches for everyone.
Except you. And other Enthusiasts of course.
Like Steve said about netbooks: "There are some customers we choose not to serve."
The mid-tower market is another "dead" market for Apple.
Just another one of the "real bad recent choices" that seems to be working out really well for Apple.
Oh well,
PS. Buying a Mac Pro worked out really well for me. You'll forget all about the initial expense before you know it and in the long term it's cheaper!