so I have always planned on getting a MacBook to replace my 12" PowerBook, I need a portable machine, with the configurations that I want, 2 gigs ram, max hard drive, the price difference between the MacBook and the MacBook Pro 2.13 is still well within my budget for a laptop, I really do not need the better video card on the MBP cause I have an iMac with the 256 card, the advantage the MacBook has over the MBP to me is the size, but everyone here says the MBP is way way better in terms of quality, and is more solid:
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I have had my PowerBook for quite sometime with no problems what so ever, and I take it with me everywhere I go, everyday. I feel like the MacBook doesn't have that kind of build quality. Some help from the knowledgeable people here would be great.
This Thread
I have had my PowerBook for quite sometime with no problems what so ever, and I take it with me everywhere I go, everyday. I feel like the MacBook doesn't have that kind of build quality. Some help from the knowledgeable people here would be great.