smacks of HDRI setup. No GI, no area shadows. Im a tough critic. Anything less than 100% in vray and i dont like it. all the modeling and composition are good. not sure i like the angle.
I think that you've got everything but the lighting here going for you. The model and the textures look good. At small sizes, it'll look perfectly fine, but when being viewed larger....
It doesn't look bad at all, it just could look better.
Were you the guy that posted the rendering of a stereo the other day that used Lightwave? If so, I linked to a Global Illumination tutorial for Lightwave that might kick this up a notch.
Does this look better? I'm using GI.
One thing I noticed is that the glass looks to perfect. OP what program are you using? I would say for the bulbs sculpt a few imperfections in them to make them look like a real glass bulb.
I also think the GI scene looks much better.