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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 28, 2006
In persona non grata
I switched to Macs 6 months ago with the purchase of an iMac 20" Core Duo. I love this machine!

And I have tried real, real ,real hard to like the mighty mouse. But I finally decided this morning that wasn't worth the effort! I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and still the scroll ball locks up!:mad: And no matter how long I have used it, I still get surprised and upset when the right click function doesn't work, because my finger wasn't positioned "just so"!:(

I find myself in the position with this mouse that I did in regards to my PC's; I want to do things with my computer as opposed to doing things to my computer! Maybe that's what Steve Jobs need to introduce at WWDC, a redesigned Mighty Mouse. One that encompasses the philosophy "It Just Works"!
I've found clean fingers to be a must.

I've also had issues with right clicking - both with it not happening when I want and with it happening when I don't. And the side buttons... suck.

But, with the driver for the wireless MM installed, that whole hold-the-control-button-down-and-zoom-with-the-mouse-pea thing still has me giddy.
Apple has had Mice problems for years, I have never figured out why they cant seem to do a great mouse. Its one of those things that boggles the mind of Mac users how they can get other things so right yet the mice have allways been lacking. MIcrostink have some good mice I hate to say it but they do. In the year 2006 you shouldnt have to fiddle with mice.:)
From what I've used of the Mighty Mouse in Apple stores, I've never seemed to have a problem with getting it to right-click when I want and have it not right-click when I don't want it to. Plus, the little scroll ball thing is cool, but I find I'm moving my finger much more to scroll with it than I do the scroll wheel of a "normal" mouse. Plus the mouse just doesn't feel very comfortable to me.

I'm happy to stick with my Logitech MX1000. I have USB Overdrive installed and I can configure it to do so many things it's crazy. For example:

In Firefox:
- Left button: Normal left click
- Right button: Normal right-click
- Click wheel: Double click
- Scroll wheel down: Scroll down page
- Scroll wheel up: Scroll up page
- Tilt wheel left: Go counter-clockwise through tabs
- Tilt wheel right: Go clockwise through tabs
- Button above wheel: Close tab
- Button below wheel: Paste
- 1st thumb button- Forward
- 2nd thumb button- Backward
- Middle thumb button- Copy

Plus I have it set to do other things in Adium, iTunes, etc. It's great!
iGary said:
Rolling a Windex Wipeo ver the ball once a week does wonders, as does a spurt of air every now and then.
That's no fun. I think the mixed reactions to the Mighty Mouse speaks tons about how well it works. I have never been to convinced that the Mighty Mouse was a superior mouse to other (less expensive) alternatives on the market. Novel idea, yes, but functionality will have to be fixed in version 2.0.
Dont Hurt Me said:
Apple has had Mice problems for years, I have never figured out why they cant seem to do a great mouse. Its one of those things that boggles the mind of Mac users how they can get other things so right yet the mice have allways been lacking. MIcrostink have some good mice I hate to say it but they do. In the year 2006 you shouldnt have to fiddle with mice.:)
Style over substance for Apple mice. I own a Mighty Mouse, and like it so-so -- but it can be a lot better. Right clicking is especially painful since you have to lift your left finger to do it... I like the roller ball part the best.
I love my Apple Bluetooth Mighty Mouse. Works much better than the wired Mighty Mouse.

I think Apple's original Optical Mouse (Graphite Apple Pro Mouse) was the best mouse Apple has ever had. It functioned great and looked very good as well.
mklos said:
I love my Apple Bluetooth Mighty Mouse. Works much better than the wired Mighty Mouse.

I think Apple's original Optical Mouse (Graphite Apple Pro Mouse) was the best mouse Apple has ever had. It functioned great and looked very good as well.
Is there a lag on the BT version?
Actually, when the mighty mouse is working, it's quite great.

When the ball stops moving, its pretty easy to clean. Mine is getting very old now (bought it the first week) but I still love it.
No lag at all with my BT Mighty Mouse. Works as if it had a wire attached to it. I even play Ghost Recon with it online via GameRanger and it works great.
How long do you think it will take for Apple to realize all we want is a nice, ergonomic mouse, with 2 real buttons. If grandma on her Dell can handle two buttons, so can everyone else.
wonga1127 said:
How long do you think it will take for Apple to realize all we want is a nice, ergonomic mouse, with 2 real buttons. If grandma on her Dell can handle two buttons, so can everyone else.

This was discussed before, there are some (including myself) that do not want two buttons.
wonga1127 said:
How long do you think it will take for Apple to realize all we want is a nice, ergonomic mouse, with 2 real buttons. If grandma on her Dell can handle two buttons, so can everyone else.
The Mighty Mouse has 2 buttons. The laptops have 2 buttons as well - the 2nd button is the ctrl key and it works fine and is exceptionally convenient.
dpaanlka said:
This was discussed before, there are some (including myself) that do not want two buttons.
On the kids' last computer (before the iMac, I actually configured Windows XP so that both mouse buttons acted like a left click since I was tired of coming over to help the 2 year old when he was holding the mouse sideways and trying to click on everything with the right button. ("Not working daddy!).

Now 3 he doesn't do that as much....

However they like their Logitech soccer mouse so much I never tried the MM on them.

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Super Macho Man said:
The Mighty Mouse has 2 buttons. The laptops have 2 buttons as well - the 2nd button is the ctrl key and it works fine and is exceptionally convenient.

2 mighty mouse has 1 button. its just a sensor-which sucks.
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