I switched to Macs 6 months ago with the purchase of an iMac 20" Core Duo. I love this machine!
And I have tried real, real ,real hard to like the mighty mouse. But I finally decided this morning that wasn't worth the effort! I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and still the scroll ball locks up!
And no matter how long I have used it, I still get surprised and upset when the right click function doesn't work, because my finger wasn't positioned "just so"!
I find myself in the position with this mouse that I did in regards to my PC's; I want to do things with my computer as opposed to doing things to my computer! Maybe that's what Steve Jobs need to introduce at WWDC, a redesigned Mighty Mouse. One that encompasses the philosophy "It Just Works"!
And I have tried real, real ,real hard to like the mighty mouse. But I finally decided this morning that wasn't worth the effort! I have cleaned and cleaned and cleaned and still the scroll ball locks up!
I find myself in the position with this mouse that I did in regards to my PC's; I want to do things with my computer as opposed to doing things to my computer! Maybe that's what Steve Jobs need to introduce at WWDC, a redesigned Mighty Mouse. One that encompasses the philosophy "It Just Works"!