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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 20, 2008
ok so i really liked the i.TV app. Last week, they had an update and I refreshed the app..and ever doesnt work. 2 other people i know said it also doesnt I am just wondering if people have gotten it to work?

i think i deleted it and reinstalled it 10 times..
ok so i really liked the i.TV app. Last week, they had an update and I refreshed the app..and ever doesnt work. 2 other people i know said it also doesnt I am just wondering if people have gotten it to work?

i think i deleted it and reinstalled it 10 times..

Same problem here. I opened it up yesterday to schedule a recording on one of my Tivos and the app just crashed after a minute or so. I also noticed that it isn't in the app store anymore. I'm hoping they pulled it while they work on a fix.
Yeah, according to Twitter they had the app pulled until they fixed some issues.
It was pulled some time ago. This is the email I got back on 11/25

We temporarily removed i.TV 2.1 from the App Store

A message from i.TV CEO, Brad Pelo

To the i.TV community,

Unfortunately, tonight we had to temporarily remove i.TV from the App Store because of a critical system error that surfaced shortly after i.TV 2.1 was made publicly available this evening. For some, the new i.TV update is working perfectly but for others it is not. Because many of you were affected by this defect, we chose to temporarily remove the application from the iTunes Store.

In the past year, we have made significant improvements to our development, software testing and quality control processes. We can assure you that i.TV 2.1 was thoroughly tested over several weeks and the application we submitted to the App Store was our most solid app yet. We are working hard to find the cause of this problem and will keep you updated on progress via Twitter, Facebook, and the i.TV blog.

We take the relationship with you, our customers, very seriously and we offer our most sincere apologies for those of you who had an unsatisfying experience tonight.

Thank for your support, your patience and for using i.TV.


Brad Pelo
oh ok. well i dont get emails from them so i send my gratitude to you for sharing that email.
Hi from i.TV

Hi all. This is Justin from i.TV. Just wanted to chime in and say that the fix to the app was submitted before Thanksgiving and we are REALLY hoping it'll be approved an in this store this week. Sorry for the inconvenience all this caused.

The problem affected 10s of thousands of users and we're glad we caught it before it affected millions of users.'s not fun for those who were affected and again, major apologies for what happened.
WhatsOn is an alternative worth looking at. I've used the two side by side for a long time, and I think WhatsOn is better all-around in terms of the interface (especially scrolling and the landscape view)- try both for yourself, as both are free. But the BIG advantage that WhatsOn has is that, at least in my area (which is metropolitan), WhatsOn has current channel listings. When a new channel is added to the lineup, you will see it in WhatsOn anywhere within a couple of days to a couple of months. With iTV, updates are much fewer and farther between (maybe several months to never, it seems). Basically, if you look at Yahoo TV listings or TV Guide Online, the channels that you see there are what you will see in iTV (I think they use the same listing provider), and it currently misses 29 HD channels in my area. WhatsOn, about a month or so ago, missed two or three of the most recently added channels. Right now it misses zero. If you don't care about TMC, HBO Plus, SIFI, MTV, AMC, etc, then iTV may suffice for you. I personally prefer to see all channels available in my area, but that's just me. BTW for those who want to try WhatsOn, you need to use a space in the app store to find it (whats on).
I just found this thread and I'm glad that I did! I've been spoiled by this little app since March when I put it on my 2G Touch; I love how much info is available. :) Last Friday (12/04) I got a new iPhone 3Gs and the app always times out while loading. I'm very happy to know that I'm not the only one and that there's a fix on the way.

Thanks, Justin, for posting here. Could you please post again when you get word that it's been approved for release? I check every day.
I'm lucky -- the 2.1's worked for me fine all this time.
Last night when I synched my iPhone, iTunes said it was downloading i.TV 2.1.1 -- and then it didn't. The app is still missing from the store. So, the fix was very briefly in the store, and then pulled. Hmmm.
O Happy Day! This app is back in business and I couldn't be happier! :D

Upgraded this afternoon (Saturday.) Works great on my new iPhone 3Gs (app was broken for the week I've owned it) and also upgraded my Touch 2G 16GB (on which it was never broken.) :cool:

Don't be afraid. :)

Justin, you don't need to check in. ;)
i loved this app when I had it. When it got taken down I switched to WhatsOn and I'm debating back and forth which one is better at this point.
i loved this app when I had it. When it got taken down I switched to WhatsOn and I'm debating back and forth which one is better at this point.

Does i.TV carry all of your provider's channels? It's very lacking in my area, missing around 30 or so of around 70 total HD channels.
I didn't know about this app. until I read this thread.....after downloading it and playing with it ...I think I'm going to like it & use it a lot. If you want to get the most out of your BIG screen T.V. & Satellite/cable $...this free app is a must!
Thanks for the heads up....:D
Does i.TV carry all of your provider's channels? It's very lacking in my area, missing around 30 or so of around 70 total HD channels.
My provider is Comcast but it's not listed. However, AT&T U-verse has the same listings in much the same order with just slightly different channel numbers; the easy-to-read channel logo + the program name makes it easy to translate. :)
App Broken Since OS4 Upgrade

Bump for new problem.

Justinthewhitt, if you're around, the app is broken since yesterday's OS4 upgrade. App sticks on opening screen for a minute or so and then throws user back out to the Home Page. :(

Have you guys got a fix in the works? I adore this app and it's really useful. My provider has been included for some time and everything's 5-Star in performance (until yesterday. ;) )
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