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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 25, 2018
Excuse me for a very emotional style, but I'm feel toasted and need to share with you some things killing me with Apple for a few years already, and I'm sure, you too. This is simply a last drop into a bowl. Apple discussion deleted my request regarding the problem and I'm bursting!

I've been on iOS 9 for a few years. Now many devs dropped the support and I bumped myself to iOS 13. And... It isn't bad. In some ways it's kingda nice. But in some key areas it's, you know... FREAKING ATROCIOUS

Look at those screenshots. Do you notice?


Normal keyboard



Of course you do, as you live with that from iOS 10 as I discovered. But I couldn't believe when I saw it. "Globe" language switcher, special symbols, return and voice buttons are all mixed up with absolutely no logic behind!

And this isn't a bug! Tons of reports online and no solutions!
I don't even ask "where are my copy/paste/etc. buttons?!" despite I want to.

You know, I totally can't get why Apple does it so, what is behind that intentional will to make their products more unreliable, more inconvenient, to cause endless troubles to the users?
If they want to make more money (which is the only thing they think of) - make me want it more, make it better! Make me want this particular freaking keyboard and on other on a planet!

But you just kill it with this unexplainable, atrocious, idiotic move which has no logic of any kind at all. What?

The same is with Notifications which have been the best of all with those brilliant fast swipe-actions, they just made it a mess with 3D touch which they deprecated by themselves now but don't revert notifications to something adequate leaving us to struggle.
The same is with the removal of essential headphone 3.5mm jack. And a tons of other more minor things.
And I'm not talking about Macs! There's a unrecoverable catastrophe there!

Cook, what da heck is going on? How did you succeed so much turning me from Apple fanboy into Apple hater so fast?

Needing a reliable and convenient "digital home" I could be somehow nitpicky, though since iOS 7 which ruined my comfort and pleasure on iPhones I had to become more tolerant to survive. But THIS - did Cook even ever turned his **** phone to type something on?!

What is this obnoxious approach, a kind of sophisticated human-hating mockery Apple constantly does to users?

In a few hours there's an Apple event with new iOS 14 supposedly. And as this is the last rubicon of my hope just to get back the minimally adequate typing experience on iPhone. I coulnd't keep calm and felt I need to share all that with you. We are all thinking the same, aren't we? If we are mute in front of such idiocracy making our everyday life worse and worse for nothing, we deserve it.

I don't want to let it be so. At least - I shout about that loud. And I want more of us to raise the voices and make us noticed!


macrumors member
Sep 1, 2015
York, UK
Those screenshots bear no resemblance to the keyboard layouts on my iPhoneXr - are you sure you have upgraded to ios13?


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2014
Yes, iOS13 keyboard on iPhone 6/7/8 is a mess down there on the last line.
The "planet" and "mic" buttons shift their positions constantly and this is extremely annoying!!

The reason is that Apple designed their current keyboard for iPhone X, Xr and 11, which all have full-screen displays.
As a result they have one extra line at the bottom with only 2 buttons, one in each corner - exactly the 2 problematic buttons and a gap in the middle to allow "Home button" simulation with the swipe up gesture.

This is even more annoying if you use a third keyboard, e.g. Greek, in addition to English and Emoji.
Cycling the keyboards with the "Planet" button is not always in the same order Eng > Gre > Emoji for example, but changes all the time and I never know which one is coming next.

I guess they are using machine learning to switch to the right keyboard with only one tap, but it never works for me, so if you are in English for example you never know if you have to tap 1 time or 2 times to get to the Emoji keyboard, rrrrr.
And on top of this the "Planet" button moves to the corner in the Emoji keyboard so you can't just keep tapping in one place to get to the right keyboard, but have to look for the button and move finger each time.
One small tip if you use 3 or more keyboards, is instead of tapping on the Planet button to cycle between keyboards, to tap and Hold on the Planet button, then a small keyboard menu appears, slide to the desired keyboard and release to select it directly.
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macrumors 68000
Jul 31, 2013
I'm on a 6S and have just one language keyboard so no globe icon and dictation turned off so no microphone key either. Tidies things up, unless you need them and use them you can just turn them off. Only one i have is the emoticons key but i cant say its ever bothered me. I also dont have a "." key on my keyboard in either messages or email so not sure where these screenshots are taken from.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 25, 2018
I'm on a 6S and have just one language keyboard so no globe icon and dictation turned off so no microphone key either. Tidies things up, unless you need them and use them you can just turn them off. Only one i have is the emoticons key but i cant say its ever bothered me. I also dont have a "." key on my keyboard in either messages or email so not sure where these screenshots are taken from.
Computer gods blessed those who type only in English :D
The period is there as the address bar of a browser is active
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