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macrumors 604
Original poster
Sep 17, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Lol I've never had any tech problems with my Macs, and today at school I used a Windows box. The whole class had to use them (the reason why is not important). Anyway, for the whole hour and a half I didn't do anything because the ****** Winbox failed on me... Even the ICT teacher at the school didn't have a clue... Lol then she said that I'd be better when the school gets Macs:D
The cornerstone of any good tech geek is to be able to get general usage from any OS.

Sorry, but you're just not geeky enough to be here :cool:
The cornerstone of any good tech geek is to be able to get general usage from any OS.

Sorry, but you're just not geeky enough to be here :cool:

Most PCs at schools and universities have so many restrictions on them they are impossible to fix without an administrator password.
There is a way to access the main hard drive in them and put edit the files. At least, you could at my old school. Make a shortcut to the C drive :p.
Most PCs at schools and universities have so many restrictions on them they are impossible to fix without an administrator password.

I know, I work for the Office of Information Technology here at my school.

"Failed on me" doesn't exactly describe what problems he was having. For all we know he could have just not logged in the entire time. I'm not trying to say that OP is stupid or anything, just that his description of the problem is a bit too "HA a random problem! windows sucks!" for me.
I've been quite lucky. When I was at school we had a room full of Apple ][ computers. When I went to university we had a large room full of Macs. My first (and only) real job had Macs of various types, and now I'm sel-employed working with Macs. :) I have sometimes had to use a Windoze machine and they've always been awful, kludgey messes, and unfortunately I'm stuck with one for my main Internet access thanks to hopeless Vodafone. :(
Oh I know what you're talking about.
My school is like half Mac, half PC.

Using a Mac feels like using a toaster. Even if you have never used it before, you'll get the hang of it in a few minutes, and know everything you need to know. OS X literally doesn't take much thought at all. It's simple and clear.

Using a PC. Feels like driving a broken tank through nowhere.
when i was in school we had C64's and had DOS i think 2.5 or 2.6 but not sure any more, and we need to write the programs ourself in basic and pascal :eek:that had been the 80's :confused:
from this point of view windows is quiet a advanced thing ,to my knowledge it even comes with a GUI :rolleyes:
Lol I've never had any tech problems with my Macs, and today at school I used a Windows box. The whole class had to use them (the reason why is not important). Anyway, for the whole hour and a half I didn't do anything because the ****** Winbox failed on me... Even the ICT teacher at the school didn't have a clue... Lol then she said that I'd be better when the school gets Macs:D

I think, the main problem is between the chair and the monitor ...
Lol I've never had any tech problems with my Macs, and today at school I used a Windows box.... for the whole hour and a half I didn't do anything because the ****** Winbox failed on me...

Cool story, bro.

Get a disc image of Linux and pop it in (preferably a lightweight distro). Then use VirtualBox and a VM image on a flash drive (or the like) and run a windows image. It would be even slower, but at the same time you would be averting your computer problems in addition to making your computer teacher think twice about giving you a "B" in the class.

Unless the BIOS is locked at startup and you need a password to boot from optical :rolleyes: Sheesh, I hate it when they do that.
Cool story, bro.

Get a disc image of Linux and pop it in (preferably a lightweight distro). Then use VirtualBox and a VM image on a flash drive (or the like) and run a windows image. It would be even slower, but at the same time you would be averting your computer problems in addition to making your computer teacher think twice about giving you a "B" in the class.

Unless the BIOS is locked at startup and you need a password to boot from optical :rolleyes: Sheesh, I hate it when they do that.

Any admin worth his salt enables the boot password to put a stop to that.

There's a very good reason why schools implement group policy -- to stop students from screwing around with the machines.
I'm waiting for the well-known people coming here saying "win7 is good as OSX if not better it was your fault". ;)
i have a beer and pop corns ...

It was the same with Vista: "Vista is good as OSX if not better" :)
You should have gotten sent to the principal's office and written down the admin password that was located just under the secretary's desk.

You then could have gotten home, hacked in through your dial up BBS, and fixed the problem remotely.:D
I had to use a windows computer once back in the 90's and I still haven't entirely recovered.

when i was in school we had C64's and had DOS i think 2.5 or 2.6 but not sure any more, and we need to write the programs ourself in basic and pascal :eek:that had been the 80's :confused:
from this point of view windows is quiet a advanced thing ,to my knowledge it even comes with a GUI :rolleyes:

Nope. Only the Mac OS and iPhone OS are real GUIs ... everything else is just a "GOOEY" - cheap (looking, if not pricing), sticky messes that get everywhere. ;)
my goodness people... you make it sound like windows systems never work...

sure they may not be as cool as a mac, but its not like they are ALWAYS crashing...
This may be true but why would someone have to conform to something that does not work for them or much less not work at all.

because if you dont conform in the school sense of things you will fail classes.

i have grow up on macs, our primary school used macs (G3s hehe). when i got to high school they use xp machines - i had NO idea how to use them!!

it was either i refuse to learn how to use them and basically fail at IT for the rest of my life, or put up with it and learn windows.

i am now studying a bach of IT at university (3rd year) and love anything technology - even windows in some regard, their server OSs are pretty nice. im gonna become a network admin, so windows is pretty much the only thing you can use in my area.
Lol I've never had any tech problems with my Macs, and today at school I used a Windows box. The whole class had to use them (the reason why is not important). Anyway, for the whole hour and a half I didn't do anything because the ****** Winbox failed on me... Even the ICT teacher at the school didn't have a clue... Lol then she said that I'd be better when the school gets Macs:D

We have to learn how to use toothbrushes, ovens and cutlery. We have to learn how to cook. Or how to use a toilet. We even have to learn how to eat properly.

Maybe you and your teacher should learn how to use a computer.
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