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i could see them partnering with (my choice panasonic) with it built in and still offer the box. But i don't see the point, whats next a coffee maker then docks your iphone and you can control the coffeemaker via an app.
With all due respect the talk about the retail margins doesn't really mean anything in order for Apple to make a TV. Like I showed you with my links the profit margins for manufacture companies are very low due the competition and HDTV prices falling year after year.

Apple historically charge a premium for their products. So I have hard time thinking they will jump into this market because of it. Like I showed you Pioneer made the best sets out there, charged a premium and could not stay in business.
That said what Best Buy/Frys/Future Shop/etc. chargers for it and how much money they make is meaningless for this discussion.

Thank you!


1) I did not say anything about profit for manufacturers, I said they are competitive and therefore low end models have less profit than higher models. I was talking about Retailers, they can add whatever markup they want and they all do it. Just because the profit for a manufacturer is low doesnt mean its for a Retail store such as bestbuy and so on.

Please read before commenting on my post


Now before someone else comes on and comments please read all the posts or at least don't assume i said something when I didn't.

And for the above guy "gugy" thanks for starting your post with a polite comment, this is how its suppose to be.

Thank you,
Aelalfy, your argument about profit margin being a reason as to why Apple should enter the television market is flawed. You know what has larger profit margins than televisions? Pizza! Should Apple start buying up pizza chains? Of course not. The problems with televisions, like pizza, is that competition reduces profit margins. For every television that your friends at Best Buy have sitting on a shelf, there are 50+ online and brick-and-mortar retailers who are prepared to undersell them. So, while Best Buy may stick to their guns and sell their televisions at a high profit margin, they're still not doing as well in that business as they should. They need to make 100% on each TV because they're losing countless sales to other retailers selling them at a 50% markup.

That being said, Apple has never played in these competitive arenas. This is the primary reason as to why they've never released a laptop/netbook in the $500 range. It's simply too competitive an environment to make money. Apple doesn't deal in commodity items, which is why you'll never see an Apple television.

Read my above post, I never said apple should join this market, so you comment is FLAWED.. AHAHA funny how people just assume stuff to try to sound right. "Pizza! Should Apple start buying up pizza chains? Of course not" HAHA dumb comment thats also FLAWED because it has nothing to do with my posts regarding retailers making a good profit on TV's compared to their other electronic products.

1) How is your store doing? Is it running well?

How is that of any relevance to whether or not I know what the margins are?

Anyway, I don't see any reason to argue with you, as I don't think you will believe what I have to say anyway. How you deducted a markup of "100-200%" from getting 1000$ worth of gear included when spending 3900$, is beyond me. All I'm going to say is, you're dead wrong when stating those numbers, and you're dead wrong when stating that TV's are the highest margin products in the store. You even agree that cables and audio products have huge markups, but still state that "Profit on TV is the highest of its kind in any of these stores". You don't make sense. The guy stating 30-50% tops, usually 10-20%, is right on. I don't really care what the reasoning behind your statement is, I know what the margins are. I'll leave it up to others to choose wheter to believe you or me, and stop arguing here.
Just finished reading this entire thread. Is this guy always such a zealot and as incredibly rude.

Just because he KNOWS someone who works in an electronics store, we need to take his word as the truth.

In a direct reply to a previous post of mine he wrote this:
But I'm a real Aerospace Engineer in Canada and have an idea of what I'm talking about. I don't usually comment on things unless I'm sure or can prove otherwise.

Well, being a real aerospace engineer doesn't qualify him in any way to know more about this subject than me, and I'm a biotechnologist and management consultant (and who cares about that?). Also he hasn't proven anything here yet. Most people here are sure about what they write. And proof means nothing on the internet, just as stating your qualifications don't.

Although I don't dispute that he knows stuff about the matter, the way he is discussing this topic here with other people disqualifies him completely.
I would rather see the ATV software built into TV's, similar to what Google is doing. Minimizes cost for Apple, they can tradeoff higher profit margins for volume and still come out ahead.

Not to mention exposure to the itunes/app store eco system expands exponentially, which enables the possibility for more profit.

I have some reservations on whether TV networks (even moreso the cable/satellite providers) would buy off on this, it's a give and take between killing off revenue from traditional cable/satellite providers vs the potential profit from stand-alone purchases (tv shows/songs). That, and Apple likes to have complete control over its eco system.
First, consider your own tone when replying. You are quite rude. I'm perfectly fine with the way I spoke to you.

1) I didn't continue to run my mouth, when I said that I want to see a bestbuy manager, he was not a bestbuy manager, read the whole post

I want to see a BESTBUY employee tell me otherwise

You said employee, then manager. Make up your mind.

Also, are YOU a Best Buy manager? No? Well then you are as far removed from Best Buy management as we are. We know Best Buy managers too. Your position is not unique here.

being a real aerospace engineer doesn't qualify him in any way to know more about this subject than me

He's a REAL aerospace engineer? Awesome!

Big deal. I'm an electrical engineer, and I don't go around forums using my education to try to prove points in unrelated topics. He sounds like an enormous jerk. Guess this "debate" has ended up nicely.
Wow when did this turn into a gangbang?

Lol Anyways, I was saying I'm an aerospace engineer to say that I have an idea about electronics. I'm also starting my MBA so yiou tell me.

Also for that electric engineer, if you thought of of your little circuit board and thought about the business side of that market, you would realize the potential profit involved. part of aeropsace engineering are many courses in economics and business so I do study these things and thats why pointed to my education as a backup. Also I told you that I have sources at futureshop aka bestbuy and that they say its their most profitable market.

What else am I missing? no one here from bestbuy told me otherwise. someone from an "audio/video" store said he was the manager but never proved it nor even name the "audio/video" store he manages.

Anyways since this is a never ending topic, I think we should all put an end to it.

Oh and not cool to gangbang me because I discussed a topic in detail.

Wow when did this turn into a gangbang?

Lol Anyways, I was saying I'm an aerospace engineer to say that I have an idea about electronics. I'm also starting my MBA so yiou tell me.

Also for that electric engineer, if you thought of of your little circuit board and thought about the business side of that market, you would realize the potential profit involved. part of aeropsace engineering are many courses in economics and business so I do study these things and thats why pointed to my education as a backup. Also I told you that I have sources at futureshop aka bestbuy and that they say its their most profitable market.

What else am I missing? no one here from bestbuy told me otherwise. someone from an "audio/video" store said he was the manager but never proved it nor even name the "audio/video" store he manages.

Anyways since this is a never ending topic, I think we should all put an end to it.

Oh and not cool to gangbang me because I discussed a topic in detail.


Gangbang? Might not have used that word to describe what you brought upon yourself. This is more humor now than anything. Could you post more about your education and careers?
Gangbang? Might not have used that word to describe what you brought upon yourself. This is more humor now than anything. Could you post more about your education and careers?

I hope I didn't excite you by using that word. It just seems you guys went all crazy when I discussed a topic I know a lot about.

My education only proves I have an understanding of this topic, not to show off (some of you thought of it that way maybe because you are jealous or have no life).

Listen man, I studied my ass off to get this degree, so if I use it to prove a point, I see no problem with that. Education is the backbone of knowledge. What do you do for a living? I mean you can come here make fun of me because I mentioned my education to prove a point and turns out you work at a grocery store. So unless you have an education or background in that field (thread topic) then you should not try to make fun of me.

You know a lot about a topic, but everyone seems to disagree with you. Somehow that logic works for you.

I have a degree in electrical engineering from a top 50 engineering school, since you asked. And yes, I work in a grocery store. How long did it take you to wade through my old posts to find that? I left engineering a few years ago, and I'm a manager in a great company, I make nearly 6 figures, and I'm not unhappy like I was in engineering. I don't get it, were you trying to make fun of me? I'm quite happy where I am.

Your education means nothing to this topic. Your only qualification is that you "know a Best Buy manager"? We all do. You call others rude, yet you have been the most rude to anyone else here. This thread should be locked, because you will likely continue to embarrass yourself.
You know a lot about a topic, but everyone seems to disagree with you. Somehow that logic works for you.

I have a degree in electrical engineering from a top 50 engineering school, since you asked. And yes, I work in a grocery store. How long did it take you to wade through my old posts to find that? I left engineering a few years ago, and I'm a manager in a great company, I make nearly 6 figures, and I'm not unhappy like I was in engineering. I don't get it, were you trying to make fun of me? I'm quite happy where I am.

Your education means nothing to this topic. Your only qualification is that you "know a Best Buy manager"? We all do. You call others rude, yet you have been the most rude to anyone else here. This thread should be locked, because you will likely continue to embarrass yourself.

I don't care if people this disagree, only very few posters here matter to me and those are the ones that have an idea of this topic. Someone in the field, or with a background in this. You for example are one of them.

Engineers enjoy being disagreed with, we enjoy to prove people wrong. Remember when they said you couldn't fly, well the "Wright brothers" proved that wrong.

I didn't ask you how much you make, what does this have to do with this topic? Of course my education is relevant because i studied economics and business during my undergrad and will be doing my MBA. Are you seriously saying my education has nothing to do with his topic?

Also if you know someone at any legitimate retailer such as best buy, WHY THE HELL DONT YOU ASK THEM? Everyone seems to say they know someone, yet no one seems to have confirmed with their sources.

And no this thread shouldn't be locked for one reason: I think this discussion needs to come to a natural end, when I'm proven wrong by someone who works there then I'll introduce my source and we will see who's right.

Also your electrical degree is something to be proud of and all, congratulations of course!!! But don't compare it to a aerospace degree ( since you are clearly making fun of me for my degree). You electrical engineers build circuit boards, we build airplanes and rockets. We do things you can never imagine all the way from structural to aerodynamics.

So bravo that you got a degree in electrical engineering and ended working in a grocery store? You know why? Because there are TONS of electrical engineers who graduate each year and not enough demand. I dare you to say the same about aerospace engineers.

The last paragraph was intentionally to diss you because you clearly got on my back because I mentioned my education to prove my point.

You've been proven wrong multiple times in this thread, but then continue to discredit those who prove you wrong. Also, I think you missed the part where I left engineering voluntarily. Had nothing to do with demand. I make 40% more now than as an engineer. I regret nothing.

You win good sir. You bested me in the most difficult of educational challenges. Excelsior!
You've been proven wrong multiple times in this thread, but then continue to discredit those who prove you wrong. Also, I think you missed the part where I left engineering voluntarily. Had nothing to do with demand. I make 40% more now than as an engineer. I regret nothing.

You win good sir. You bested me in the most difficult of educational challenges. Excelsior!

And you sir, missed the point that those who gave their opinions, were either giving it based on what they thought was "correct" or just out of the blue.

Only one person claimed to be the manager of an "audio/video" store, without giving out the name of the store or anything claimed that my statement isn't true.

I think I was the only one that had a reliable source that actually confirmed and showed me that its a profitable market when I was purchasing from him.

Also regarding your comment "Had nothing to do with demand. I make 40% more now than as an engineer. I regret nothing."

Its not about how much you make, its about what you love to do :D but it probably had to do with demand :) I'll leave it at that.

Its not about how much you make, its about what you love to do :D but it probably had to do with demand

Again, my choice to leave engineering. It did have to do with demand, I demanded a better career, and now I have one. Your attacks are subtle, yet accomplish nothing. Yawn.
Again, my choice to leave engineering. It did have to do with demand, I demanded a better career, and now I have one. Your attacks are subtle, yet accomplish nothing. Yawn.

Lol I actually accomplished a lot:

1) moved of topic to diss you

2) hit you where it hurts, ie electrical engineering is a joke compared to aerospace (just kidding I think engineering is a tough degree to get and respect all engineers, just like rubbing how aerospace is the top of all engineering)

3) proved my superiority by making fun of your degree ( once again, point 2, I didn't mean to make fun of your degree just wanted to get at you for making fun of me for using my education as a backup)

Ahh got to love being childish sometimes!!!

Anyways I think this topic Is dead and I don't think anyone cares anymore, so it was nice talking to you and glad you found something that makes you happy in your life (your job)

Except you didn't offend me at all. You are so delighted with yourself, and I couldn't care less with your attempts at insults.

Is there any chance you could tell us more about yourself? I'm dying to know more about someone like you. I feel bad for you, but seriously, this is entertaining me.
Hello Friends
Then people will be forced into size ,specs, ect. Then the price and the fact that they would need a new overpriced tv every year would kill it. Boxes are the way to go.
Hello Friends
Then people will be forced into size ,specs, ect. Then the price and the fact that they would need a new overpriced tv every year would kill it. Boxes are the way to go.

Forced? It's one's own decision to purchase a product or not. Not happy with what they offer? Move along. It's fairly simple. ;)
Instead of just Apple making an a TV with a built in Apple TV in it, why not just make it a 3D tv?

3D is the thing now, and the market is growing pretty fast for it. If Apple did make a TV, then an Apple 3D TV w/ atv built in would be amazing. But to beat the competition, it should have a competitive price of around $3,000. Just slightly more than what you would get from a Panasonic or Samsung 3D tv, but it would have more specs and more features.

Plus, having that Apple logo in the bottom will draw in crowds by the masses.
If Apple ever got into the AppleTV + television business, they should wait until the market matures a bit.

I know, people have been selling televisions forever, but internet capable devices are relatively new to the living room (not counting consoles). Apple should use AppleTV to gain users, and possibly release a television later. But not until most other companies have failed.
I'd say Apple would be smart to enter the television market. There are already distant rumors about Apple wanting to acquire a company like Sony. Hostile take over sure, but they have the resources in cash to do it.

All Apple would have to do is mature the interface of today's LCD television. Samsung, Panasonic, Sony...they all make great sets (I like Samsung the best), however, when it comes to streaming from a PC, internet browsing, ordering movies, games, etc., you either need a stand alone device, or the interface to operate the whole thing is clunky at best. Let Apple do for the television that they did for the phone, and you'll see the masses line up at the door to get a different experience in the main entertainment device in the home. Integrate it all into one unit, and Apple will dominate that market as well.

With the 3d technology, cloud storage, PC streaming all getting into full swing, the sky is the limit, and if you look at what Apple has been investing in or rumored to be looking at, you can see what they could possibly be planning to target.

Apple changed its name from computing for a reason. Jobs has got a few tricks left before he checks out.
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