I'll stick around and contribute, thanks. Why do you want 4GB of RAM anyway? I'm just curious, because this is a workstation class machine, meaning that the components are naturally expensive and aimed at high end applications. If this were a consumer machine, or used consumer desktop parts, there would be more manufacturing and thus making them far less expensive. Fact is, this ISN'T a consumer machine, and there isn't manufacturing on the scale of lesser components for the pieces for this machine. That's why the RAM is so expensive, that's why the chips are so expensive. These are marketed, built, and sold as PROFESSIONAL machines, thus implying their use for PROFESSIONAL applications. The price is AMAZING for this kind of machine. Don't like it? Buy an iMac.
EDIT: You did a roundabout to answer my question. You don't NEED 4GB of memory. You WANT 4GB of memory. If you NEEDED it and couldn't afford it, I could see the complaining and whining about it being too expensive, but if you WANT it...well, that's a different story. I agree, it's expensive, but you knew you were getting server memory when you got your Mac Pro right? Server memory has, historically, been expensive. Perhaps you should have done your research. I don't have a problem with what people do with their computers. What I DO have a problem with is people complaining about prices of historically expensive type memory when the information about their expense both past and present is readily available prior to their purchase.