tjwett said:
we meet again! haha, yeah the pickins are kind of slim when it comes to good AppleScript training...
Hey man, thanks for the AppleScript references; all new ones for me.
Beligerent, if you're still on this thread, you might
check out this search results page from SourceForge
This is a list of projects in various stages of development that: run on MacOS X, are written either in C or Objective-C, and use Cocoa. There are several projects that involve networking or chat clients. It might be enlightening to browse the materials, or even the code, just to get an idea of what might be involved. Of course much of it will not make quick sense to you, but I think you'll either get excited or put off.
IMHO, C is only useful when learning programming because it's very small. Also, many of the basic syntax, conventions and assumptions of C are found in other higher-level programming languages. Therefore, as low-level and frustrating as C can be, it's still a very useful intro to programming.
The Cocoa API, when paired with XCode (or ProjectBuilder) and InterfaceBuilder, is incredibly quick to whip out an application's skeleton, especially when you're thinking to create a graphical interface. Objective-C adds just a couple (literally just a hand full) of conventions to straight-up ANSI C, and yields a fantastic and very readable, object oriented language.
One of Cocoa's biggest strengths when compared to Java, is the size and organization of it's API. Java gets really huge, really quickly. The object hierarchy for the Cocoa API is quite slim and felt sensibly organized, really quickly for me.
Here's my Top Five book list for Cocoa/Objective-C:
Aaron Hillegass's most excellent Cocoa introduction
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X
When you're done with that one, skip on over and check out my defacto Cocoa bible,
Cocoa Programming. Just a fantastic book, application design reference and compilation of knowlege from three individuals who've worked with these frameworks for many years.
Cocoa in a Nutshell, the API listing you've been yearning for.
Always remember to include Apple's own
Cocoa developer pages.
Finally, go right to the source: Brad Cox. He invented this stuff and wrote a superb book about object oriented programming and objective C. It's small and available
used on Amazon.
Maybe he just wants to eat, and doesn't care what he cooks.
Aw great, now
I'm hungry...