I agree with Audit above.
I suggest you format "the target drive" as Mac OS extended with journaling enabled.
Get the two drives connected to your Mac.
Are all the files (all 1.26tb of them) just "loose" in a single folder?
Or... are they in subfolders inside?
Are you using the finder to try to copy them?
Are you aware that (when copying a large number of files) if the finder encounters "a bad file" it will abort the ENTIRE COPY?
My advice is "don't copy it all at once".
Instead, copy a little at a time and keep handwritten notes.
Do about 10gb at a time to start.
Then try "larger blocks".
In fact, try it FIRST:
Download CarbonCopyCloner.
CCC is FREE to download and use for 30 days.
Make sure the target is HFS+.
I -think- CCC can read exFAT but
it can copy only to a Mac-formatted drive.
You're going to have to try it yourself.
But trying this COSTS YOU NOTHING.
Now, try using CCC to clone from the exFAT drive to the HFS+ drive.
WHY I'm suggesting you do this:
As I mentioned above, if you try a finder copy and it encounters a bad file (even just one "bad one" in 100,000), the finder will ABORT the copying process.
When CCC encounters a bad or corrupted file during the cloning process, IT DOES NOT QUIT. Instead, it makes note of the bad file, and then keeps on going.
CCC will copy "all the good files" while making note of the bad ones.
After the cloning is done, I believe that CCC will present you with a list of the corrupted files.
If you try this, and if it works, please come back and post your results.